Some more rumours on OzzFest this year


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Anthrax will have both John Bush and Joey Belladonna singing (with the "Among the Living" line up).

Black Label Society are on the bill. I guess where Ozzy goes, Zakk brings along his brew crew.

Megadeth will be playing with their "Rust in Peace" line-up. Yep, that means Friedman, Menza, and Ellefson will be back in the ring.
I can't see Mustaine doing the festival thing, but who knows. Who can comment on what Anthrax will do? Their recent behavior has been dubious. Seems like the BLS thing is a sure bet though. I just heard their new album, BTW. Not great, not terrible.
Megadeth have played OzzFest before so you never know...I think he needs an ego boost these days, and he'll just pretend that everyone showed up just for him.
Yeah, he's just on such an it's-all-about-Dave thing lately, even more than usual. Who knows though. I'm hoping it's true, as I'd love Maiden, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Ozzy or Priest on the bill. Lamb of God and Mastodon are rumored for the second stage, and I'd like to see both.
JayKeeley said:
Megadeth will be playing with their "Rust in Peace" line-up. Yep, that means Friedman, Menza, and Ellefson will be back in the ring.

Man, I dunno about that rumour. Mega Dave and Ellefson back on stage together???? I just can't see that happening. Friedman would be a super stretch as well but I think that one would at least have a chance.

I think this is one of those "rumours" that is completely without merit based on this post Mustaine made on his website last week in response to fans harping for a return to the old lineup and comparing old band members to new ones:

"I was in the dressing room tonight and the guys told me some of you have been conducting lame polls about former members compared to my new bandmates.

"Let me remind you:

"Comparing James [MacDonough, bass] to Junior [David Ellefson]. . . James wins. Junior sued me for $18.5 million and lost, dragged me, my band, and family through the mud.

"James only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

"Comparing Glen [Drover, guitar] to Al [Pitrelli]. . . Glen wins. Al was good, very good in fact, but his heart was elsewhere. And I have seen Al purposely sign his name over my face on albums and photos, talk poorly about me when I have gone out of my way to say how good he was.

"Comparing Glen to Marty [Friedman]. . . Glen wins. Marty quit to be a guitarist for a chick in Japan and play pop, he wears kimonos, and high-heel platform shoes now. I told him after 'Risk' that we had to go back to our roots and play metal and he quit.

"Comparing Glen to Jeff [Young]. . . Glen wins. Jeff was a great guitarist but was disinteresed in matching previous guitar solos by Chris, and he allegedly hit on Diana [Mustaine's fiancée at the time — Ed.]. Jeff was also much more suited to do his own thing and in a different type of music.

"Comparing Glen to Chris [Poland] . . . Glen wins. Chris plays jazz, always has, and never played the same solo two nights in a row. I must say that Glen borderline worships Chris though.

"Glen only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

"Comparing Shawn [Drover, drums] to Jimmy [DeGrasso] . . . Shawn wins. Jimmy was not very happy around MEGADETH, and that made it hard to be around him. Compare any studio album to 'Rude Awakening' and you will see he did not care to play the songs the way they were recorded.

"Comparing Shawn to Nick [Menza] . . . Shawn wins. I tried to work things out again with Nick but he is not here for a reason; he was sent home becuase he was not prepared and he can't play MEGADETH songs anymore.

"Comparing Shawn to Gar [Samuelson]. . . now this is hard, and I will say it's a tie. They are both fantastic.

"Otherwise Shawn only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

"And although this does not apply to everyone, you offend me when you post polls on my site about who wants to see who back in MEGADETH.

"These are my boys, love 'em or leave.

"And I am not kidding."
JayKeeley said:
Megadeth will be playing with their "Rust in Peace" line-up. Yep, that means Friedman, Menza, and Ellefson will be back in the ring.
Just the possibility of this will allow me to jerk-off with no outside stimulation, including my own hands, for two weeks. Bare minimum.
Regardless of lineup (looks like we ain't getting any old dudes back!) seeing Megadeth live would be grand. Rumour is that the third day of this year's Download festival will be Ozzfest! :confused: :eek: I need to get my lazy ass in gear and confirm it myself!
i wish they had some real cult underground band on the bill ... like a Napalm Death or somthing to that nature.
someone really offensive.
lurch70 said:
i wish they had some real cult underground band on the bill ... like a Napalm Death or somthing to that nature.
someone really offensive.

They probably will. Remember there are two stages, with Mastodon looking likely to appear. At minimal, I'm sure they are approaching bands that are getting lots of Guitar World attention these days: Mastodon, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Shadows Fall. If they want to stick this lot on some second stage out in the parking lot, then that's fine by me.
One Inch Man said:
Just the possibility of this will allow me to jerk-off with no outside stimulation, including my own hands, for two weeks. Bare minimum.

Yeah, well based on the previous post quoting Mustaine, it's unlikely. :(

By the way, I reviewed an Eidolon album some time ago and called it back then that these guys were like a modern day Megadeth...I didn't realize Mustaine was reading my reviews to get ideas for band members...

my review of Eidolon said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It doesn’t take rocket science to see the immediate EIDOLON similarities to JAG PANZER and So Far So Good So What-era MEGADETH.....

[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...Look, when I said this band sounded like MEGADETH, I wasn’t kidding. I swear it’s a conspiracy - Dave Mustaine obviously hasn’t gone anywhere and his arm seems alright to me.
Décadent said:
Just breifly - are Megadeth worth seeing these days?

Truth be known, they have never been a great live band. They had terrible roadies, crappy PA systems...last time I saw them was at OzzFest on their Cryptic Writings tour. They were ok...I've seen them several times since their RiP days, and only once can I say that they were 'magnificent'.
Dark One said:
"Comparing James [MacDonough, bass] to Junior [David Ellefson]. . . James wins. Junior sued me for $18.5 million and lost, dragged me, my band, and family through the mud.

Yeah, but Ellefson is a better bassist.

"Comparing Glen to Marty [Friedman]. . . Glen wins. Marty quit to be a guitarist for a chick in Japan and play pop, he wears kimonos, and high-heel platform shoes now. I told him after 'Risk' that we had to go back to our roots and play metal and he quit.

Sure, BUT Friedman is a better guitarist.

"Comparing Shawn to Nick [Menza] . . . Shawn wins. I tried to work things out again with Nick but he is not here for a reason; he was sent home becuase he was not prepared and he can't play MEGADETH songs anymore.

Fair enough.

"Comparing Shawn to Gar [Samuelson]. . . now this is hard, and I will say it's a tie. They are both fantastic.

Typical Mustaine. I've seen interviews with him where he's Samuelson to no end, particularly for the fact that he put on so much weight and "they had to hoist him in and out of his seat".

"These are my boys, love 'em or leave.

For now. Wait 10 minutes and the line up will change again. I love this whole "these are my boys, this is my band" thing he has. In that Metallica documentary, he talks about how he beat the crap out of Pete Sandoval (breaking his leg) to defend puny little Lars.

"I miss my little Danish friend. I miss the guy I dug holes in the ground with and smoked weed and watched the sunrise..."

No wonder Mustaine hated "Some Kind of Monster". They made him look like a pussy.

"And I am not kidding."

Shut it, feed that monkey on your back, and play. :heh:
JayKeeley said:
They probably will. Remember there are two stages, with Mastodon looking likely to appear. At minimal, I'm sure they are approaching bands that are getting lots of Guitar World attention these days: Mastodon, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Shadows Fall. If they want to stick this lot on some second stage out in the parking lot, then that's fine by me.

not that dribble shit ... some real underground bands.
JayKeeley said:
Wait 10 minutes and the line up will change again.
so true...a few months ago there was a story about him in guitar player or guitar one where Mustaine unwittingly revealed that some of the veteran guys actually wanted more money than he was willing to cut them in on...he's not willing to make them equal members of a real band so its him and a bunch of guys who are willing to work for the publicity and a salary rather than a cut. With a prima donna (and admittedly, he is some sort of legend) like Mustaine, its only a matter of time before they transgress and then they'll be a footnote in the history of a legendary band that could have been even greater if not for the psycho who leads it.
ugh, the last time I saw megadeth at Ozzfest I fell asleep.. I don't need that again

up there with Dark Tranquility as the most boring live band ever
Chromatose said:
up there with Dark Tranquility as the most boring live band ever

Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa! No freaking way. I could not have more of a polar opposite opinion on this one. I will say this right now with complete certainty: Dark Tranquillity are a kickass live band. Stanne is one of the best frontmen around, and the rest of the band feeds off the energy and brings it to the stage night in and night out.

As an example, they are completely and wholly different from a band like Opeth on stage in that Opeth just stand there and move their heads around the whole time like they're in headbanging comas or something. I love seeing Opeth live because I simply love the music and still really get into it, but in terms of their ability as live performers? Can't hold a candle to Dark Tranquillity.

If you don't like the band's sound, no problem, but boring live??? I just can't see how that conclusion can be drawn unless you really happened to catch them on an off night or a band member was sick or something.
Personally speaking, and maybe it's because I've seen a thousand shows in my life, I don't really care about stage antics. Whether it be Opeth standing there playing all those intricate riffs, or Steve Harris jumping up front with foot on monitor and firing his bass machine gun across the audience, the quality of musicianship needs to be the priority.

And before anyone (aka J) says, "if I want to hear those songs I'll just throw on the CD in the comfort of my home" yada yada, it's also all about hanging with friends, drinking beer, audience participation, dodging mosh pits, meeting the band, and anonymously farting into a crowd of sweaty headbangers. "Silent but Violent".
I love the adrenaline rush I get from a live show, and theatrics are fun but unnecessary. Just play solid and kick my ass for 45 minutes to an hour (or two) and make sure it's LOUD GODDAMMIT!!! :kickass: