Some news to tide you over


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I still can't get my newsletter past my ISP. They're saying it's my fault but nothing's changed at my end. :::sigh:::

Anyway, here's a brief update.

There's a new signing on the way. They're French, they're totally nuts and I can't say who they are until the postman delivers the contract!

Two more contracts have gone out to bands, one from the UK (my first UK signing since Solstice) and one from the Czech Republic. Both totally different in style, and neither sound like anything else on Elitist. But that's the point (sort of..).

Lunaris have a great chance for a very high-profile tour. Nothing confirmed yet, but it should only be a matter of days before a yes/no is decided. All I can say is that it's pretty big news! They're also arranging a small tour in Norway, so if you're from that neck of the woods keep an eye on this thread for the upcoming dates.

Farmakon are coming to the UK at the end of June for two shows. One in London will be confirmed tomorrow, so I'll post it here, and the other in the North somewhere is work-in-progress.

We're also doing our very best to get Ephel Duath on a high-profile tour at the moment. We're up for it, the band are up for it, the agent is up for it, but the headline band get the final say but can't be contacted at the moment. Again, more news when it happens.

Frantic Bleep have very nearly finished their album. Only some vocals and mixing to go. I have to say it sounds fucking great so far. The band also sent the proposed artwork, which is frankly astonishing! I have blood surging to my groin at the very thought of this release (a novelty at my age, let me assure you). :)

Forest Stream are hard at work on their next album which should be recorded towards the end of the year (provided Sonm doesn't get arrested at Amsterdam Airport again :))

Wolverine will dedicate the next 12 months to playing live and working on the follow-up to "Cold Light Of Monday".

LEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I hope nobody from my lab would read this forum!!!!! Otherwise I can loose my job and then the only thing to do is to hang myself!! That was such a pity that your wasted all your mobile credit on me!! :LOL:
Still no updates on Without Face or the former members?

Hmm...Lykathea Aflame (Lykathe) are from the Czech Republic...I don't suppose you can say much about that though...

I'm interested to hear how the new Without Face vocalist sounds. I wonder if they tried to replicate Julie's sound or went with something different.

Of course, I'll always believe nothing can ever top Julie's vocals in Daimonion.
Maybe not even Julie herself.

Lee_B said:
I still can't get my newsletter past my ISP. They're saying it's my fault but nothing's changed at my end. :::sigh:::

Forest Stream are hard at work on their next album which should be recorded towards the end of the year (provided Sonm doesn't get arrested at Amsterdam Airport again :))
What is this story with Sonm arrest?
Me? Arrested??? Who told you this weird story??? But if you want to know something you better ask me personalLEE!
:( ... I said "who the fuck do you think you are?" to a policeman... that's the story...