some of you might have noticed...

Krigloch the Furious

Pants full of poo
Dec 10, 2003
Springfield, IL
that I've been gone for a week.
Well Sunday night (12th) I was watching the new Family Guy when the station goes out. It was around 8:15 or so, we had a tornado warning earlier that evening. So I turn my computer off and go upstairs to see what my dad was watching. A big (W) was on the top right of the tv so he turned to the weather channel and we noticed a huge storm cell heading right for us.
the next thing we know the power goes out so I go get my dad a flash light and I grab my own. The loud ass sirens are going off and we knew something was coming. It is windy as fuck outside and raining sideways. It was starting to get louder and louder untill the infamous freight train sound was right over head and my dad and I just stayed upstairs being the curious idiots that we are.

We realize that a tornado just went over our house when it starts to quiet down and then the freight train goes overhead again, not sure if it was the second tornado or if we were in the eye of the tornado (cue megadeth)

We end up going outside to check and see if the house was ok and we realize the pure destruction. Trees down all over the damn place, shingles, branches, a huge Rob Blagojevich sign from about 300 yards away was laying in our backyard, the area of the street where my brother usually parks had a tree laying across the entire street and his car would have been gone if he wasnt at his girlfriends house.
My dad and I walk down the street to see giant trees uprooted and laying on houses, cars, covering the street and such. It was like the Hulk rolled through.
We end up not having power for 4 full days and the cable just came on at midnight monday morning. Played D&D by candle light, the rest of the time was boring as fuck. Some parts of Springfield still dont have power, this city was destroyed! Two F2 tornados, one was a half-mile wide and the other was 300 yards wide.



First off, I wasn't wondering where you've been.

Second, please tell me that tornado has scared some manly looks into you.

Third, did the tornado straighten out that faggoty as perm you have?

Fourth, next time don't just watch the tornado. TAKE PICTURES!

Fifth, I suppose I'm glad you're OK.
lol at all these care crew references ...
glad you are Ok dude ... i remember that one night in NYC few years ago ... the big blackout ... was creepy as fuck outside.
Nate The Great said:
First off, I wasn't wondering where you've been.

Second, please tell me that tornado has scared some manly looks into you.

Third, did the tornado straighten out that faggoty as perm you have?

Fourth, next time don't just watch the tornado. TAKE PICTURES!

Fifth, I suppose I'm glad you're OK.

It was pitch black outside, no one saw it.
Nothing can fix my hair.
Scared the shit out of the cats though.
Erik said:
yeah i just don't understand all the hate for this dude

so yeah he plays d&d but he's jovial and friendly, give him a fucking rest, especially when he was probably about to have a fucking car launched straight into his head by unyielding winds of death

ok, thanks for making your opinion on the matter known, i'll file it away under "nope, still don't give a shit"
Erik said:
i'm seriously fucking puzzled by just how bitter a man can be

and they call me BITTER DUDE where i come from

bitter? lol, ok

ain't you the pot?

And I'm not bitter, I made $65k in sales today, spent the weekend with the woman i'm crazy about, had sex and just got a new car

I have a bit of a sinus infection, but really, that'll go away
Erik said:
yeah i just don't understand all the hate for this dude

so yeah he plays d&d but he's jovial and friendly, give him a fucking rest, especially when he was probably about to have a fucking car launched straight into his head by unyielding winds of death

:kickass: an F2 has winds of 113-157 mph.