Anyone have a survival cache?

Speaking of goalie masks...I can't wait for the "new" Friday The 13th. This is the wrong thread for that, but the preview looks good.

Back to the cache:

I need a generator. Then I can run the freezer, a microwave, stereo, and TV. I figure I will play Resident Evil and the like as training missions and to give me ideas for style points.
my family has 160 acres of self-sufficient property full of barns/fertile soil/fully stocked ponds in a nearly unknown spot in oklahoma. despite us all having arms, the most worrisome thing would still be a lack thereof. given we weren't bothered we could suffice, easily. my family also cans a lot of foods. as far as a definite and set plan, i can't say. to say we would be prepared, more-so than most? yeah... prepared entirely? fuck no. nobody truly is...


after actually reading the topic:

i grew up with this place having well-to-do crops, etc. funny enough, it also produces an ungodly amount oil with which my grandparents gain a mighty royalty check. albeit unnatural, such a discreet source of energy could prove useful. the ponds to this day stay stocked naturally and the crops continue to potentiate on their own (despite lack of care.) the ground there is golden and all of us are ready to "run to the hills" per se. we've talked it over many a dinner. the second disaster strikes my family and our closest, we've planned to resort to given location and live to the fullest. funny that such a dastardly, faux pas of a social class has a better chance at survival than most. once again, what situation are we speaking of? if there is a generality, i suspect nobody could have a goddamn chance in the long run. so who cares?
exactly! WHO IS FUCKING PREPARED FOR EVERYTHING?!?! sustenance is situationally relevant!
I have a deep cellar stocked with water, food stuffs, a hunting rifle and shotgun, a toilet and several bottles of pure as flying fuck 96% spirits. Need to be prepared for the unavoidable nuclear holocaust and the ensuing mutant zombie infestation that's soon to come thanks to infidel America.

I need some kind of ventilation system, though. Anyone know if any of the good ones also filtrate out radioactive crap?
I have a deep cellar stocked with water, food stuffs, a hunting rifle and shotgun, a toilet and several bottles of pure as flying fuck 96% spirits. Need to be prepared for the unavoidable nuclear holocaust and the ensuing mutant zombie infestation that's soon to come thanks to infidel America.

I need some kind of ventilation system, though. Anyone know if any of the good ones also filtrate out radioactive crap?

Can we come live with you when shit fucks up then? Not that the zombies would find their way here in quite a while, and we have caves and stuff nearby but no real bunker and no booze warehouse...

Radioactive crap is really really really hard to filtrate out I'm afraid, at least the gamma rays... Alpha rays are easy, beta decent but gamma won't even stop by several metres of lead. Nuclear death!
Can we come live with you when shit fucks up then? Not that the zombies would find their way here in quite a while, and we have caves and stuff nearby but no real bunker and no booze warehouse...

That depends on how old your kid is by the time the shit hits the fan. I'm not sharing my bunker with a screaming baby!
I should have one because I spend too much time on but I don't. However I do try to keep a good bit of gas in the car at all times, and know exactly where all my Swans CDs are so can grab them to run away from the pending mushroom clouds looming from the west.
my parents own a 60-acre lot on New Hampshire which they just finished building a house upon. its set up to burn wood and it's stocked with all of the things that dorian originally mentioned (and yes, a shitload of guns).

one day my dad told me that he bought the lot/house because he knows that we're going to see unparalleled horrors within the next 40 years. i definitely believe him... i have been preaching that shit for years! people don't even THINK about how one day we could all wake up to a nuclear civil war. its scary shit... if you young guys think that you'll get a nice job and settle down in your older years, you're just kidding yourselves. there won't be jobs to have or places to settle down. I'm not trying to lecture you all (I am only 20 years old), but I really think that this is just the truth. look around you, read the news, read some REAL news. we're all fucked. all of us.
What, really? The trailer I saw made the film look like 'Death Floor: The Floor That Stabs People'.

The one I saw was nearly all wooded shots with a few of people walking through them. I thought it had a good atmosphere. The only shot of Jason was of him coming at someone that was on the ground, in a very quick/aggressive way, about to swing the blade.

For whatever reason, Jason always scared me. Maybe because I spent so much of my life around wooded areas...not sure. Anyway, the one thing I knew was that, under no circumstance, did he run or move too quickly (even though he walked at a decent clip) and I could easily outrun him. This new dude looked quick. The killing motion and footwork was much faster...I'm betting he runs at some point. That shit will creep me out.
my parents own a 60-acre lot on New Hampshire which they just finished building a house upon. its set up to burn wood and it's stocked with all of the things that dorian originally mentioned (and yes, a shitload of guns).

one day my dad told me that he bought the lot/house because he knows that we're going to see unparalleled horrors within the next 40 years. i definitely believe him... i have been preaching that shit for years! people don't even THINK about how one day we could all wake up to a nuclear civil war. its scary shit... if you young guys think that you'll get a nice job and settle down in your older years, you're just kidding yourselves. there won't be jobs to have or places to settle down. I'm not trying to lecture you all (I am only 20 years old), but I really think that this is just the truth. look around you, read the news, read some REAL news. we're all fucked. all of us.

Well if worse comes to worse I'll make my way to your place. I'll bring my hearthgods and we can hang out and play mountain dulcimers.