Blut Aus Nord - MoRT

Thanatopsis123 said:
Yep, I still don't know wtf I'm doing with this DC++. I found less BAN here than I did with SLSK. I must be doing something wrong.

There are currently four people on the hub sharing Levitating the Carnal :)

Download DC++, decide what to share, connect, download what you like
Nate The Great said:
If that's why you liked TWWTG (the ambient stuff), this one will be your best wet dream ever. It isn't exactly all ambient, but the whole things feels like a nightmare where you can't figure out how to wake up. There's not much speed in the music at all anymore, but the atmosphere is HUGE. These guys are just getting insanely good at what they're doing. That whole thing they do with the guitars sounding out of tune and all slithery is just taken to a SICK level on this.

Sold!!!! Boner rising! Yes, it's the integration of black metal and dark ambient aesthetics that I find appealing about them...speaking of, who's heard the new Xasthur?
Demonspell said:
Sold!!!! Boner rising! Yes, it's the integration of black metal and dark ambient aesthetics that I find appealing about them...speaking of, who's heard the new Xasthur?

I've had the promo for well over a month now. It is good. It's more atmospheric. He's basically trying to be more atmosheric now. His stuff with Sunn 0))) influenced him a little, but it is definitely still Xasthur.
Soulseek works just fine if you have friends with good music and just get shit from them. DC++ is good to.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Can't find it. :( Man SLSK sucks these days. I've been looking for Levitating the Carnal for like a month with no success.

Thanato, still looking for Levitating the Carnal? I can rip it and share it on SLSK. My username is probably Decadent.
No, I finally found it. Thanks though. Now I just need to give it a few more listens to see if it's worth buying.

I still can't find Mort for the life of me, however. Then again, I'm still not very savvy with this DC++ thing. A lot of hubs just ban me.
Got it yesterday. I think it is less accessible than TWWTG but some parts can be 'enjoyed' on first listen. Pretty good, we'll see..
You're right about the fact that it's kind of similar all the way long. For the rest, I need more listens :heh:
Dev said:
You're right about the fact that it's kind of similar all the way long. For the rest, I need more listens :heh:
But it's beyond similar. I have to wonder if what I have is screwed up. It literally sounds like the same song, over and over, at varying lengths. There's almost no vocals and no real riffing throughout. Then again, I was half asleep.

General Zod said:
I don't get it.


I don't either


upon what I will admit was a shallow first listen, "tried too hard" comes to mind. I seriously doubt I'll ever like it as much as their other stuff. See you in 4 spins for confirmation or mea culpa.
I am with Zod and Ellestin ... big fan of TWWTG, and while this seems like a logical progression its a bit one dimensional.
*secretly wondering* - "could it be people might discover what i've been saying all along about this band to be true?"