Those of you not listening to Blut Aus Nord 'MoRT' are missing a total trip.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I know a bunch of you pussies complain that Blut Aus Nord is techno, no-emotion bullshit, but 'MoRT' is fucking brilliant. The more I listen to this, the more it uncovers for me. This is probably the most singular album since the first Khanate. It's only purpose is to create a black abyss, and it does it perfectly, but it still has so much to offer. Even though the entire disc is one song, repeated listens really start to show a lot of variation in the blackness.

If it helps, don't even think of it as black metal. This is just a total trip into the abyss, and it is beautiful.

That's all.
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Maybe I haven't listened to it as much as you have, but I don't really hear a lot of variation. And quite frankly, I'm perfectly okay with that. I think that saying this is a trip into the abyss is good description but I wouldn't call it beautiful.

I think it's great. Unlike on The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion, it's singular nature is an asset.

It's given me nightmares on multiple occasions. :kickass:
Maybe I haven't listened to it as much as you have, but I don't really hear a lot of variation. And quite frankly, I'm perfectly okay with that. I think that saying this is a trip into the abyss is good description but I wouldn't call it beautiful.

I think it's great. Unlike on The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion, it's singular nature is an asset.

It's given me nightmares on multiple occasions. :kickass:

Variation might have been the wrong word, but if you truly think of the album as a single song (as it is supposed to be thought of), the dynamics contained within that song are pretty amazing. Yes, the same tempo is kept throughout most of the song, but there is a lot of stuff going on.

I think of things that really pull you into a completely desolate world as beautiful.

Can you imagine listening to this at a really loud volume while sitting in an abandoned shack in the woods? I don't think I'd be thinking "beautiful" then.:zombie:
Indeed I wouldn't, as this is every bit as cold and bleak and TWTTG, and my mental image would be of an urban wasteland being sucked into the emptiness of space. I don't find any beauty in it even though I do find myself entranced by music this dark more often than not, but I'm increasingly sure that's the point. For me the lack of variation (on the surface) makes sense given the obvious dark ambient influence.
I was interested in this album but kept hearing/seeing many conflicting reviews. Perhaps I'll pick it up.

Edit: I there a difference between the different versions of TWWTG? Sometimes i9 see it listed in distros as TWWTG(U.S. Version).
I was interested in this album but kept hearing/seeing many conflicting reviews. Perhaps I'll pick it up.

Edit: I there a difference between the different versions of TWWTG? Sometimes i9 see it listed in distros as TWWTG(U.S. Version).
I wouldn't quite call MoRT a love it or hate it effort, but it's damn close. Very polarizing.
The US version of The Work has the band's subsequent EP included on a second disc. I think it's called "Our album titles are too fucking long for our own good".
Album of the month in Terrorizer (?) and 2/10 on - = MYRRTHRONTH = - Black Metal Index (quality site imo, I just wish I understood German :lol: )
..Make your choice... I prefer TWWTG and Memoria 1 to MoRT for the moment but I think MoRT is a both a success and a failure..which does not make things easier :zombie: