anyone have information on this Blut Aus Nord release?

Well from the first track this MCD definitley has potential. Dark, mechanical and methodical, just what I was hoping for. It'll be interesting to hear it within the context of a full album...
It is *out* out, and I dunno if M-A will add it. They do add singles sometimes, though, so who knows.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Do they even put MCDs on MA? I don't know. It's been leaked anywho, it might not be *out* out.

Uh...yes? EPs are commonly found all over M-A. It was on a few days ago but it was deleted. Just wanna know why.
The track info was wrong on MA anyway...

It's different... first 2 tracks are industrial-ish drone in the TWWTG style, but then it starts moving into this weird ambient thing and I don't think I like it...

If anyone wants to hear it, I've uploaded it, so just give me a yell and I'll PM you the address.
I thought it was "CDM" :confused: I have lots of released labeled as CDMs, I thought they were similar to singles but... different.
V.V.V.V.V. said:

It's good. I like it a lot, especially the hip-hop beat in the third track (seriously).
Yeah I listened to that one...I really wasn't too fond of it. If you didn't like the The Work Which Transforms God, then you won't like this release.
they go through plastichead distribution... now that I've heard this, i'd wager its made of the left-over material from the split with Axis of Perdition that fell through, which would explain the electronic/industrial flavor