Scarlett 8i6/Cubase 5 Disk Cache Overload


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010
Hi Guys,

I'm having a disk cache overload situation. Ever since I replaced an Audio Delta 66 to a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6.

I'm experiencing audio dropouts on and off, while the disk cache bar is in the red when that happens.

even if we're talking about simply dragging an mp3 file to cubase, and trying to record a 2nd track while having the stereo track playing back. When we're talking about 24bit Wav files, it's just impossible to do any work. Not to mention having projects with 10 or 12 stereo tracks playing at the same time..

I'm not sure if it's a USB data stream bottleneck (weird for one stereo track, no?) or a disk issue (tried projects both from system disk and from a 2nd disk).

System Specs:
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, latest drivers.
Cubase 5.1
Win7 32
Intel CoreQuad 6600 2.4Ghz
4GB RAM (+another 8GB from a flash drive readyboost)
WD Caviar Green 1TB 7200RPM

Help please! IS this a known issue with Scarlett interfaces? How can I tweak the system around for better performance/solve the problem?

Thanks :)