Some Pagans Mind PPIV pics to wet the appetite!


Jul 18, 2002
First off, thanks to the few ppl who went above and beyond to help me get my camera backto make these possible! (you know who you are)

Here is a few pics that will be up on the website.


Me and Stian celebrating after their incredible performance.

Ronny, testing out keyboards a day prior to them playing at Guitar Center.

Stian showing how METAL he is in the shuttle bus on the way to Guitar Center.

Stian testing out the V drums at Guitar Center!


Stian overwhelmed by a female fan! HAHA!








Nice Pics man! :) This is hillarious, DrumRman the camera story gets even better! :) I'll give you the shorten version. Me and my buddy Aki were waiting in line and we just started talking about this camera the shuttle driver found and give to our group. We were talking about giving it to a lost and found or finding Glenn and having him announce it over the PA so the could come and claim it.

Well your buddy (I forget his name) said something along the lines did you guys find a camera in the shuttle? Well you turned around and must have had the biggest monkey off your back when you saw that it was went so far as to show all these pics to Aki and I beilieve that it was your camera and you were not an alien clone or anything. :)

First off, thanks for the Guiness man, we were really joking about the beers but you know me I will never turn down a free drink. :)

Secondly the irony to this is that I am a DJ for Seismic Radio (DJ_WaRm) and I have seen you from time to time visit our chat. I had no idea until later that your handle was DrumRman. Anyway dude I am glad you got it back and I am sure your wife or girlfriend is glad you didn't loose it. :)

P/S - Ronny must have gotten so smashed on Saturday man that he was passed out in the lobby of the Fairfield...there some pics to prove it.
Great photos! Thanks for posting them for us! May I use one of them for a background for my online journal? (all credit given to you of course! I'll leave the URL on the image)..

I sure wish I could have met these guys! I never did find them at their table :( They were one of my favorite acts of the weekend!

sh0kr0k said:
Great photos! Thanks for posting them for us! May I use one of them for a background for my online journal? (all credit given to you of course! I'll leave the URL on the image)..


You sure can! Glad you enjoyed them! :D
HEY LOOK!!! ITS STIAN SIGNING MY BACK!!!!! That was lots of fun... he wrote something on me every day, great fun, but it still hasn't come off yet. :hotjump: I look like shit though...
I think i remember this picture being taken... I never thought I'd be on the web...
My webpage

I'm going to add some pictures and the guys from secret sphere and circle II circle soon. But for now it's just me!

Rock on!

PaganCircleSphere said:
HEY LOOK!!! ITS STIAN SIGNING MY BACK!!!!! That was lots of fun... he wrote something on me every day, great fun, but it still hasn't come off yet. :hotjump: I look like shit though...
I think i remember this picture being taken... I never thought I'd be on the web...
My webpage

I'm going to add some pictures and the guys from secret sphere and circle II circle soon. But for now it's just me!

Rock on!


Haha I have a few pics of it actually. If you want the hi rez pics let me know. Are you also the one he drew the PM initials on your arm? If so I have pics of that as well! LOL, hope you enjoyed them.

Oh, and I'm sure you'll like this pic haha!

Stian actually was upset with me because i "wasn't looking at him while he was playing... hahaha...... I DID look at him... he said "I LOOKED AT YOU THE WHOLE TIME, AND YOU DIDN"T EVEN LOOK AT ME ONCE"