Some ppl :/

Bah... don't pay him any mind. That's either Chriscrusher or Ba'al who used to post here. He has a link to "Tales from the Nut Ward" so it's probably one of them. I do agree with him, however, I can also enjoy the more popular black metal and death metal. He has to realize that there are some good mainstream bands. He's too stuck on being 'cvlt' and liking anything that doesn't sell.
dying sun is a fucking idiot. who gives a shit if something is popular. god damn, i dont understand why someone would want to play to 100 people in a club their whole life. Life is too short to live small dreams.... of course want to become popular. And these bands on the hot topic cd arent even that popular. Dying sun is just a god damn idiot.
Not even worth replying to that guy, the first thing he needs to be taught is the subjectiveness of music.. ie what he hears isn't what everyone else hears. You can't judge a band's worth purely on whether you like their music or not.
YaYo said:
Not even worth replying to that guy, the first thing he needs to be taught is the subjectiveness of music.. ie what he hears isn't what everyone else hears. You can't judge a band's worth purely on whether you like their music or not.

Exactly. If people like Dying Sun are so small-minded that they can't realize that, then I pity them.

I will also add that the fact that Dying Sun is so obsessed with the superficial image of his music (underground) makes him as much of a "poser" as the hot-topic shoppers he hates so much.
Couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing, but I love it when he tries to prove himself as being intellectual:

"This coming from someone using a bizaare colloquial variant of the standard past participle "learned.""

A bizaare colloquial variant of the standard past participle indeed.
Only read the first page, but to be honest those kinds of posts are hardly worth responding to, he only said that to get a reaction, and he did, if he'd just been ignored then that would've been the end of it.

Don't feed trolls ;)

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