Some pretty amazing photos here...


Aug 30, 2001
From our most recent show, last Friday. 13 pics total. Sorry about the load times :\













I like it. you can run around and still sing. and then trip over a chord leading to your amp and knock everything over and break your guitar and amp and have everyone laugh at you. I want one of those headsets though.
Come on I thought we all discussed the mic issue the last time he posted pics. The dude is willing to sacrifice masculinity for mobility, you gotta respect that.
In all seriousness... how's the output on that fuckin' thing? The old guard is obviously an SM58, sometimes the 57 for most live purposes, I've never really attempted to work with anything else live. So, how's it work?

I'd probably prefer a mic in a stand just due to your own ability to work it differently. Swallow the fucker for lower volume "talking" or some shit, and back off about a foot for the true open scream... that way you get no POP or volume swell... but I guess that's what a good Focusrite Red is for...

I digress.

Well, I don't really know all that much about it, since I'm not the singer. But from what I've heard Rane say about it, it has tons of mids, which apparently he loves, and it will never ever feedback no matter how close you get it to the monitors. And every show we've played with a soundguy that has never worked with one, the result is always the same. He gets REALLY sketchy about it before we play, because he's never dealt with one before, and doesn't want to. After the set they usually say that they were suprised with it's sound.

As for the loud and not so loud vocals... I have no idea, lol.
that photographer is awesome kev!!!
great pics!
looking good there mister :cool:

and that mic is actually cool... whats so wrong with that?

Guerrilla said:
Come on I thought we all discussed the mic issue the last time he posted pics. The dude is willing to sacrifice masculinity for mobility, you gotta respect that.

:tickled: :p
Once, I tried one of those while we were doing a cradle of filth song... I used a home made high pass filter to allow my high pitched screeches to go throught the headset and be amplified and reverberated on a different channel than my normal voice ONLY when I wanted them to... All my other vocals were going throught my standard hand held microphone... Nobody quite understood why I had two microphones...

I actually got the Idea from Peter Gabriel who does about the same think for multi-tracking in live situations...

*sigh* ...having a band was cool ...

Yeah, you should see the custom 7 string PRS he has. It's an orgasm inducing sight to just look at it, much less actually play it!
Now Larf, you're so busy rocking out, you forget to plug your axe in! haha

Im not a fan of new PRS'. The old ones were good, but, Im not a fan of the rosewood fretboards.

Schecters are alright... especially before BC Rich got their hands on them.