Some questions about musical gear at PPUSA


METAL... nuff said!
Okay. so you've got your sponsors. You've got your backline. But you've got so many different bands with so many different sounds, it's kinda fascinating thinking about all the stuff that needs to get changed or tweaked or replaced or moved.

What does a band have to count on being there at the show, and what should they bring of their own gear? Exactly how many drums and cymbals do you plan on having in order to compensate all the drummers? What are some of the extreme cases of bringing their own gear? Do you have house guitars in case bandmembers lose stuff or break stuff with no backups? Some requests they've asked you to provide for their members? Did anybody demand a bowl of 1000 brown M&M's? I could imagine some of the funny stories you guys could have, kinda like the Road Crew Interviews on the PP DVD.

Anybody wanna confess any funny stories or dirty little secrets? Being a partial gearhead, stuff like this always fascinates me.
One thing that was a little strange was, I was setting up PC 69 and the bass player just comes walking up with nothing and says "do you have a bass I can use?" I was thinking he was "hired help," but he is the regular bass player! We have house basses available and he just grabs the first one and puts all the EQ settings on the amp to flat and says "ready to go!"

I would have thought he would bring at least his own bass, but he was a really cool guy.
There are a few house basses and guitars that we keep on hand. I know that Chris Roy (Stage Mgr) and/or Glenn often get information about the basic needs of the bands that helps us with the stage plots and sound.

That being said, there's really no telling what a band may decide they absolutely MUST HAVE before their set (regardless of whether or not they actually use it).

Wishmaster said:
That being said, there's really no telling what a band may decide they absolutely MUST HAVE before their set (regardless of whether or not they actually use it).


The only thing I heard most of them must have was BEER! :D I know the guys from Symphorce packed "light" as far as effects/peddles go, less stuff through customs and less stuff that can get damaged or lost.