some quick metalfest stats


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Number of times recognized by fans: 3
Number of times someone complimented my Buffy the Vampire Slayer t-shirt: 3
Number of demo cds in my pocket:

longer post to follow with more reflections, anecdotes and such.

but right now i really need sleep. josh will explain.

ps. josh, bag is in my possession. i will call you tomorrow about it. I am at Terran and Byron's house. Also, Operation: Serbian Guilt was put into effect.
number of Headbanger's Ball promo postcards given to me: 120
number of Headbanger's Ball promo postcards left to use as the cover for Goatschool's mix: 2
number of times a dude with a zine noticed the motW posters + sticker I swiped then expressed interest in interviewing you: 1
number of times the word "fuck" was used to add emphasis to stage banter: 98765438788858881
I just picked up some l77t black metal but haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. <3 Frozen.

If he claims not to, then he is with holding it to spite you. The gent provided him with multiple copies. Almost got a fewspares myself for wearing the right shirt but I'm so honest, forthright, and true.

Number of times I ate from Wendy's dollar menu this weekend: 8

Also, Meshuggah is the greatest band on the face of the planet, seriously.

One more thing, Dark Symphonies could have taken all the money they used to make free motW posters and have some shirts made.
number of mesh hats seen this weekend: 3049384295

conversation with one kid with a mesh hat and one of those ironic busch light jackets on, cheap beer smell eminating from his mouth.

kid: Dude what song do you think they are gonna play first??"

me: I don't know man.

kid: DER DER DEN DEN WHAT WHAT WHAT! that's my guess. right?

me: ...