Some samples to cut up...

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
I'm practicing my snare tuning abilities and making samples when I get it sounding good. It's a big file, but it's recorded 4 different ways. They go like on a rug, muted on a rug, open on wood floor, muted on wood floor.

Tell me if you guys like em or not. If you have any suggestions, I'll make some more. I'm just getting in some practice in this area, so let it fly.
But won't that take the fun out of using your ears and gear? Ha.....

Attack 30ms
Release 134ms
Gain reduction of about 4db (which ended up being -31.5 on the threshold)
Make up gain of 3db

There's an eq before that

HP at 152
-8 @ 624hz
+4.8@ 5k

and some verb....

Not sure if it would work in any given mix, which is why I originally posted just the unprocessed hits.

Have fun.