Some smooth grooving


Anssi Tenhunen
We got this "mix one of these drum clips we recorded in these sessions, add atleast bass and make them sound good" kind of assignment at university. I chose a micing that had three AKG C451's and a kick mic, then I put it to grid and added this slow wah-guitar and the bass. Guitar is hollow body Ibanez Artcore to Vox wah-pedal and POD Farm (noisegate, tubescreamer, Blackface, compressor) and delay. Bass is LTD B50 to Studio Devil Bass Amp, EQ, compressor

In context:
Drums only:

If someone wonders why there is reverb on the kick, it's because there was no separate mic for snare and no room mic but I still wanted some more space to the drums because they sounded really dry, and when I added the reverb I thought it sounded good in context.

Any comments or questions?
I would like it more with the guitar down a bit and the bass up.Drums are ok i guess.I like that reverb thing going on.
But yeah.This kind of funky jazz o stuff require more bass than guitar in the mix.Quite the opposite from metal mixes huh!:cool:
I would like it more with the guitar down a bit and the bass up.Drums are ok i guess.I like that reverb thing going on.
But yeah.This kind of funky jazz o stuff require more bass than guitar in the mix.

Do you mean bass overall louder or just the character or the low end? I mean overall this is a lot quieter than your average pop/rock/metal mix so it also might be that the low end of your speakers might not open up properly, atleast on my speakers. When I turn the volume up to decent listening volume and put on my headphones (Sennheiser HD-25) or turn on the subwoofer, the bass guitar sounds okay, but when listening on lower volumes it sounds really quiet.

edit: Something like this?
second and third notes in the bass line are wrong. Scoop the bass way more... for this style the bass needs rolling off from around 5k and no boosting in the 1-1.5k region. It needs to be smooth and characterful with no obvious peaky top end...its not fighting for space with quad tracked thrash riffs after all

The guitars still need to sit a little further. Try a limiter with a bit of character to smooth them over, I find them a bit too in your face considering how simple the lick is.

I like the drums. Maybe try a bit of parallel compression to bring out some ring in the snare... tiny bit sterile at the moment.

Definitely on the right track...just needs to be a little smoother overall.
^what he said:)

i only disagree about the snare.. but thats just a matter of taste.
Im using only headphones.Low end is pretty good.I was referring to the bass as an instrument.You're definitely in the right way man:kickass: