Some Soilwork news

:lol: My opinions are wrong? How can an "opinion" be wrong?
It isn't a matter of right and wrong, it is a matter of opinion.

Whatever. For fucks sake, in this day and age I am actually wasting my time in a thread about SOILWORK????? WTF!!!!!! :lol:
Jasonic said:
:lol: My opinions are wrong? How can an "opinion" be wrong?
It isn't a matter of right and wrong, it is a matter of opinion.

Whatever. For fucks sake, in this day and age I am actually wasting my time in a thread about SOILWORK????? WTF!!!!!! :lol:

It was a matter of assumption from what I read, but yeah your right and your opinion is valid. You should never waste your time with something you dont care for in all aspects of life. I need to go crank some Soilwork!!!

Bear said:
I disagree wholeheartedly. Soilwork has been getting bigger and bigger. The last headlining show they played in SF was awesome, and it was packed. Minimal kids at the show, just your basic metal crowd. I think Jason your making assumptions based off your opinion and well, your wrong.

Stabbing the Drama is my favorite Soilwork album and that is anything but bland. It kicks all kinds off ass.


Stabbing The Drama ROCKS! It's my second favorite Soilwork Cd right after Natural Born Chaos
Bear said:
It was a matter of assumption from what I read, but yeah your right and your opinion is valid. You should never waste your time with something you dont care for in all aspects of life. I need to go crank some Soilwork!!!


Right on!! Enjoy....
Angrafan said:
Stabbing The Drama ROCKS! It's my second favorite Soilwork Cd right after Natural Born Chaos
What do you think of the older ones? I can't decide among Chainheart Machine, Steelbath Suicide or Predator's Portrait as my favorite.
ratanda said:
What do you think of the older ones? I can't decide among Chainheart Machine, Steelbath Suicide or Predator's Portrait as my favorite.

PP will always be a favorite of mine from SW. Its the album that got me into them and its awesome. As are all Soilwork albums. I don't dislike any of them.

Ben, why don't you ask Speed next time you see him for that apology.

Bear said:
PP will always be a favorite of mine from SW. Its the album that got me into them and its awesome. As are all Soilwork albums. I don't dislike any of them.

Ben, why don't you ask Speed next time you see him for that apology.


I asked Speed about it at a show once. Before I even finished my question, they knew what lyrics I was talking about when I mentioned the song. Ola (guitarist), bent his wrist, said "spit or swallow," in a flamboyant voice and walked off laughing. We laughed too.