Some synthesizers porn

In this video the guy behind the new frictional games (called Soma) show how he creates drones.
I love that akai "flute" and how it can be used to create those sounds!
I'm tempted to buy some hardware instead of plugins.... but I know it will be wasted money!

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It's not a waste of money if you're into it and know what you're doing. It sounds so much thicker/better than software "analog" imo.

Well it will be a momentary gas, it happened in the past with guitars and amps
In the end I always went back to my trusty dual recto and 5150 ...
I have the stock Vacuum and Xpand plugins in protools ... I guess I should try working with them more and see if I really can't get the sounds I want
I've been getting GAS for old digital synths, not ROMplers mind you (although the hilariously low prices Korg M1s and 01/Ws are going for in my vicinity may make me reconsider). Got me a Casio CZ-1 for 90 Euros, primarily as a 61 key MIDI controller, and I'm eyeing a Yamaha DX7IIFD for roughly the same moneys. I heard there couldn't be anything more difficult or infuriating than programming the DX7, so I figured it might be a good idea... :D
I've been getting GAS for old digital synths, not ROMplers mind you (although the hilariously low prices Korg M1s and 01/Ws are going for in my vicinity may make me reconsider). Got me a Casio CZ-1 for 90 Euros, primarily as a 61 key MIDI controller, and I'm eyeing a Yamaha DX7IIFD for roughly the same moneys. I heard there couldn't be anything more difficult or infuriating than programming the DX7, so I figured it might be a good idea... :D

In the end the dx7 was really popular back in the 80's?
I've always seen that keyboard in cheesy pop groups :D
I like the Reface line but I would never pay what they want for it new. You can just get the old one for cheap as far as the DX 7 goes.
I've been getting GAS for old digital synths, not ROMplers mind you (although the hilariously low prices Korg M1s and 01/Ws are going for in my vicinity may make me reconsider). Got me a Casio CZ-1 for 90 Euros, primarily as a 61 key MIDI controller, and I'm eyeing a Yamaha DX7IIFD for roughly the same moneys. I heard there couldn't be anything more difficult or infuriating than programming the DX7, so I figured it might be a good idea... :D

If it's for studio use, Dexed is amazing: