some thoughts on the english language fight

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
viddy well. i wanted to start off with saying attacking someone for not talking, or typing correctly is plain ludacris. NO ONE actually speaks correct english anymore. no one. think of it. its scary. can any of u actually remember how to write in cursive? i know i cant. its just messed up. were so realiant on technology and things. like yesterday, my brother asked me how to do long division things, and i found myself telling him to use a calculator. i just dont remember that kinda stuff. we have a serious problem here. we use emoticons and things now, totally chopping the language apart. we have creole, and other dialects and such that totally throw off the people that do speak english from another part of the country. think about it. if u live in seattle,washington, u'll have trouble understanding someone from daytona beach. its just weird like that. but theres a lot of people from other countries that speak better english than us. so rather than fighting about who can't type or dogging someone for not spelling correctly, im sure theres a lot you cant do yourself. save that energy for a nevermore concert, bud. it annoys me that what bonds us together (nevermore) sometimes doesnt matter when we have needledicked malltards that compain about everything. get over yourself and pop a midol. that is all for now.
Hmm, I'll support the idea of saving the energy for Nevermore concerts, may we all (who love them) live long and happily to support them.
As for the language problem (English), I only can say that I do have a problem here sometimes to understand what somebody here wrote, but I get the point... Or I believe I do... LOL
As for the Now Playing part: That is an awesome movie, and I think Edward Norton is an amazing actor (-> Primal Fear).
It's a matter of being able to communicate, and when you speak in broken, fragmented thoughts with tons of typing errors, you can't be understood by others.

And I DO remember how to write cursive and do long division (and it's been many years since I've had to use either regularly), so it must just be you.