Someone please help.


New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2002
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Alright. Obviously, I'm pretty much a n00b. So after all the bashing is completed, I was hoping someone could help me out. There's this song that I have on tape. I recorded it from an extreme metal radio show about 6 years ago. I'm in love with the song, but unfortunately have no clue who it is. I used Audacity and a basic computer mic to record it onto my computer and uploaded it using yousendit. Someone suggested that it is Swano and said I should post the link here. If anyone confirm this or give me an answer to who it actually IS, I'd GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks.
Definitely not Dan singing, doesn't sound like him playing guitar either.

On top of that, the song is terrible and unlistenable.
Well, the original sounds much better. This was recorded from a cassette that was old to begin with, recorded over at least 6 years ago, then recorded onto my computer using a basic computer mic and Audacity.
No, I'm sure it doesn't sound better, that song is shit to begin with. Whoever suggested that it could be Dan needs to get punched in the face.
off course this is Dan...It's Nightingale's demo recording of Glory Days:lol:

no but seriously Swanö is a synonym for quality and this is just shit.
Try Edge of Sanity, Nightingale and Bloodbath to get more familiar with Dan's'll get hooked, I promise.

just pretend it's an inverted cross
I'm already familiar with much of his stuff. The person suggested that it was probably one of the projects that he didn't stick with very long. I was in doubt, but was out of options, so I figured why not give it a shot.
How the hell did you understand the lyrics? :goggly:

Unless there's some attempt at clean singing in there later on, I had to turn the song off after 30 seconds.
Hehe I just picked up a line when listening to the clip... (At 00:44 he sings "The further I go, the nearer absolution"). Wasn't sure I'd heard it right but I typed it into google and there it was :)

Hope you'll find the album in much better quality than that clip! ;)