Someone with monitors wanna help? :)


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
Started writing a new song, buuuut I'm limited to headphones for mixing purposes thanks to some roommates who must really need to concentrate -_-. callout.mp3 this is it so far

Idk what the low end is doing or really how to approach getting the mix better. I want the guitars to maybe be a bit more articulate with some of the lower notes, and I need to eventually get it loud etc.

Any ideas to improve it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: updated with louder guitars, more highs and way louder bass (sick of not hearing bass on my cans :p): callout db.mp3
Gonna leave the clicky kick in for now.
i don't need monitors to say the kick sounds like taken from other kit/life situation. I'd take that bass and turn it into a huge awesome squashed thick line, and remove the piercing click from the bass drum, the snare's kind'a cool! is it slate? (i don't reckon slate samples from hearing, just wanna know), I'd do the 'mono limited low end guitar buss' but that'd prolly lead to lack of mid-highs...
i don't need monitors to say the kick sounds like taken from other kit/life situation. I'd take that bass and turn it into a huge awesome squashed thick line, and remove the piercing click from the bass drum, the snare's kind'a cool! is it slate? (i don't reckon slate samples from hearing, just wanna know), I'd do the 'mono limited low end guitar buss' but that'd prolly lead to lack of mid-highs...

All the drums are Superior 2.0 Avatar except I took the kick from Metal Foundry. Probably not worth it to install MF just to replace the kick but I already had it so I just decided to have all my drums within the S2.0 VST instead of any external stuff. Been sorta on the fence about the clickiness.

Also, CCC, totally didn't even notice the drum panning was odd cuz I've always been approaching it that I'm the drummer so it should be panned as such. But your idea makes complete sense.

Thanks for the input so far! Gonna raise the guitars for sure.