Somethin-core mix. gimmie your opinion please.


Jul 23, 2010
16 Pretzels are Making me Thirsty Rough.mp3

No vocals or synth in it yet but i've just been trying to work on my mixes and "Broaden my sonic horizons" so to speak. So any and all criticisms, good or bad, would help me like they always do. thanks
I really am having so much trouble with my drums.
Cymbals sound so very sampled, toms sound rediculously awful, and my snare is small and weak to me.

EDIT: oh yeah stuff i'm using
all free stuff first and formost :D (except reaper)
Drums: just random samples i've compiled > basic processing
Guitar: TS_Secret > Nick Crow 6505 > some impulse > Surgical EQ > limiter > Guitar bus
Bass: I honestly am hopelessly lost on getting the bass tone i want... but it's just DI from my Behringer head into an impulse
Master: Comp > lim > Gclip