Bleh-core. Rate and advise please :)


Jul 23, 2010
Condenser broke so screams ended up being done through a weak dynamic mic :\
but it's still my best mix so far sadly haha

Done in my basement
with reaper
Pod farm head > recabinet impulse (pod farm really does suck in alot of ways i'm starting to notice...)
drums are obviously sampled.
vocals with a little eq, delay, comp, reverb, saturation, etc.

sounds like the guitars are coming out of a small practice amp, Try using some of the free amp sims/stomps that are out there like Lecto, and Tse, All i use on my guitars is that stuff gates, compression, reverb, and eq, and Ive been able to get alright sounding guitars out of it. what are you using for the drums? the Snare isnt too bad, but the kick is all tone and no attack which is something you want to have a blend of in that sort of thing. The vocals actually sound alright compared to everything else, i would like to hear how they sounded with harmonies at some points. Dont get me wrong I really like the song from a composition stand point, heck if you could post the DI's for it ill give a try re-amping and mixing it quickly