I like some of you grew up watching Belushi and Akroyd on SNL and then later on Murphy and Piscopo and then laughing my ass off at Myers Carvey and then Ferrell.
SNL hasn't been funny in years but because it has supplied with so much laughs in the past I always TIVO it just to be eventually be dissapointed. Well this past Saturdays episode was one of the best and it was hosted by none other than that blowjob Justin Timberlake. He cant sing but the dope is always funny on SNL
This short has me laughing everytime.
YouTube - dick in a box - uncensored
SNL hasn't been funny in years but because it has supplied with so much laughs in the past I always TIVO it just to be eventually be dissapointed. Well this past Saturdays episode was one of the best and it was hosted by none other than that blowjob Justin Timberlake. He cant sing but the dope is always funny on SNL
This short has me laughing everytime.
YouTube - dick in a box - uncensored