Something cool for the JORN fans!!


Sep 26, 2007
Las Vegas
I made a new 2010 JORN calendar that is up and ready to go today!!!:kickass:

The many faces of Jorn Lande the amazing rock singer from Norway that has the true Rock Spirit!! His new Cd Spirit Black is one of his best to date and he will be doing another Cd with the Power Metal band from Germany, Masterplan which is highly anticipated!!
These photos, I shot, come from the “Lonley Are the Brave” tour in Rockfabrik Club 2, Ludwigsburg, Germany- Nov 17th
and at Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland – Nov 18th 2008.
I have the blessing from the “Man” himself to make and sell these calendars and he himself picked the photos personally for it.
Hope the JORN fans out there like this!! It will be a great thing to take to his shows to get him to sign and to frame when the year is through.
Enjoy and rock on!!!:headbang:
Link to view and purchase:
interesting, I would personally find this to be more of a "girlie" calendar, cool nonetheless.
Should have a different "unnnnnnnhnnnnnnnnn" or "awwwww yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" caption under the picture each month