Something different...... anyone want to do The Needle Lies???

I talked to MM, he is in for the drums. I will start this track off by doing the vocals first (since thats the hardest part of the song.) When I finish them up, you guys can do your parts....

That way if they turn out sounding like sh*t, you all won't waste any time.
This is a straight forward rocker from Queensryche... off the Operation Mindcrime CD. Do yourself a favor, if you haven't heard the CD - GO OUT AND BUY IT NOW!!!!

Its one of the ultimate, classic metal CD's ever made. It came out in 88 I think and there have been few CDs since that have surpassed this one.
I'll learn know I'm down.

Eddy. You've never heard Operation Mindcrime? Its pretty much Queensryche's best album...ever. Very, very good CD.
Yup, of course I've heard about the band but never actually heard anything from them.

No, hold on...Ah, I have one their song as mp3, from not-so-praised-album Q2k or something. Liquid Sky it was.
I'm jealous of anyone who can play that song on guitar and call it easy. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong song, I don't have the cd and I haven't heard it in a while, but doesn't the guitar work have some pretty difficult downpicking stuff in it?
I did a ref track for The Needle with vocals (no backing or processing at all)....

I have the file but I can't upload to Myplay. I sent it to Rabs, but I don't think he's been around for a bit. Anyone want to upload it for me? I'll email it to you...

In any event, once its uploaded, you guys can start the instruments. Any volunteers for mixing/mastering?
Have you guys had any trouble with MM's MyPlay account? I haven't visited it in awhile because I haven't wanted to cause MyPlay to see too many users and delete the account. If you'd rather keep the MyPlay users to a minimum, please e-mail the track. If you're not concerned about it, please e-mail me with the MyPlay login info again. Thanks! :)
No problems so far. *Fingers crossed*
..not much we can do..there are multiple people on there now.
I'll try to keep it semi-secret...
Login=Maidenman's email address
passwd=standard IMG password.

Mail me if you don't know MMs account. I know you know the password. =)