New Public Service Announcement


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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Well....this was mostly going to be for Eddy...but I figured that we could all use a bit of catching up....since my status page has not been working for a while..I am sure many of us are a bit confused on what is going on in the IMG. Here is a quick run down:

First..the following were recently finished:
Children of The Damned
Wasting Love

In the works:

Caught Somewhere In Time:
Drums and Bass done. Crossy and Hyde should be working on guits

Chemical Wedding:
Medsy has a instrumental version. Dunno if a singer volunteered for sure. I also have Eddy and Amon down to do a version? Is that still true?

Crazy Train:
Instrument mix up. Needs a singer

Enter Sandman:
Waiting on Cooperman.

Stormbringer volunteered to do bass. Have heard little from him. Any bass players want to knock this out? Also, if ploughman reads this, you can redo your drum track if you would be the time.

I Want Out:
MaidenMan currently working on mix

Infinite Dreams:
Instrument mix up. Needs a singer

Iron Maiden:
Waiting on MM drums track

I've Got The Fire:
Instrument mix up. Waiting on Jim's Vox

Murders in the Rue Morgue:
Waiting on Adde Guits

Phantom of the Opera:
Waiting on Adde/Amon Guits

Remember Tomorrow:
No idea. Only bass is done. Plough volunteered to do drums, Amon guits.

Reach Out
Waiting on MM drum track

7th Son of a 7th Son:
Medsy is working on instrument mix. Prepare to be blown away.

The Clansman
Waiting for Constantine rerecord. Also waiting to see if ploughman wants to redo drum track with new mike setup.

The Number of The Beast
Waiting on crossy guit

The Tower:
Needs singer. My instrument version in the works. :heh:

Total Eclipse
Waiting on MaidenMan drum track

Where Eagles Dare
Constantine/Rabies to tune.

Women In Uniform
Needs a singer

Other dead tracks that don't have anybody doing anything with them right now include: Blood Brothers, Stranger in a Strange Land, The Needle Lies, The Fallen Angel, Tears of the Dragon and The assassin

Thats it..please feel free to add to this thread with corrections/comments.

oh..and MM....never heard from you on Losfer Words. Lots of interest. I won't put it up until I hear a 'hell ya' from you.
Cool, thanks Rabies! :cool:

I think there's one final version of Chemical Wedding, Jim did the vocals. I think I'll withdraw from that one...

I was on Iron Maiden right?

How's Fallen Angel? If it ever gets anywhere, and if there's need, I could do a rhythm guitar for it.

I'll yell at Stormy and ask how he's doing with Futureal.
Thanks Rabs!

I had spoken recently to MM about The Needle Lies and Blood Brothers, and he's agreed to go ahead with these so figure him for the drum tracks then me for the bass. I'm, not sure who's on the guitars yet. Jim's on vox. :)

As for The Fallen Angel, I had suggested it some time ago, but it seemed to fall to the wayside. If there's not much interest for it, feel free to remove it. :)

BTW - Can't wait to hear 7thSon of a 7thSon! :heh:
Originally posted by rabies
Stormbringer volunteered to do bass. Have heard little from him. Any bass players want to knock this out? Also, if ploughman reads this, you can redo your drum track if you would be the time.

erm well i started with it but i'm somehow stuck... i'm not feeling its good enough for you boys yet though i must admit that i've been doing not much the last time - was whole august in germany/sweden and moved end of sept/beginning of oct... but i'm gonna do this stuff! sorry for the delay though - if anyone else feels like doing it in the meantime - no problem!
Eddy: Yes. You are on Iron Maiden. I forgot Jim was doing Chemical. He has not put out a 'final' track yet. So we are still waiting on that. Thanks for reminding me.

EC: I'll take a stab at blood brothers for Jim (he requested). The problem I had with this song when he first brought it up was the sheer complexity of recording the guitars. If I do it, I'll probably have to work I can record parts as needed..and not worry about working with another guitar player to figure out who will play what. Listen to it from a recording perspective one day..its a nightmare. I can allso take a stab at needles if that one pans out.

Stormbringer: No probs man. No rush. I'd be interested to see if ploughman wants to re-record his drum track for both this and I have some problems with both tracks to date.

I'll have to check on Fallen see if there is even a drum track yet... i don't think so.
Hey gang....

Ill be asking for a few emails of some of the final mixes that are done so as to update myself..... ill just post/email a couple of you guys in a few days or so to email me over certain mixes.... hope no-one minds again.... :cry:

Seventh son will have its number 1 final mix done within half an hour os so... ill email it to rabs....if hes happy...its all done...!!! Should be up in a day or so....

Chemical wedding has a fully final mix with awesome vox from jim... ill email it to you rabs cause i havent sent the updated mix out yet.... If u can help...just remove the old mix from myplay and upload the new one i send you..... THANX....

Well...seems theres a spot or two open here and there... I think im gonna have to give maybe the assassins a go.... and if the other two guitars lay dormant too long... and i finish assassins quickly.... im interested in 1 guitar spot for phantom again....

Oh yea, you're definitely right about Blood Brothers Rabs! It's not going to be easy at all. I figure that if we can get the drums, bass, and bare rhythm guitars mixed down seperately first, then it might be much easier to add the other layers over that. Maybe that makes it a bit easier? Still, it's a challenge for sure.

Cheers! :)
I believe MM was going to use the original vox I sent him for I've Got the Fire (as shitty as they were!)

I did the vox for Chemical.

I'll start looking at some of the other finished tracks. Right now I'm learning 36-40 cover tunes for my new part time 'band', so time is a bit tight....
The band is called Nocturnal. They played a month or so ago at the Hilltop Cafe up in your neck of the woods... before they fired thier singer.

We might be doing a benefit concert in Central Village on Dec 2nd.... I'll let ya know.
Rabies, have you had a chance to do the track? If your track is in tune with the others and If I'm not asking to much, could you post the mix and I will record the bass for it?
I want to ensure I'm in tune with everyone.
Please advise.

Once MM does the drum track for Losfer Words, I will begin recording that song.

Once completed I will move back to The Clansman.

BTW, great update. I have no idea how you keep track.:)
take care
Constantine....are we talking about Eagles?

I did a quick ref track for Hyde. He said it was in tune. But it was a quick track..way too sloppy for a final cut. I'll try to get a final recording done by the end of the weekend.