something interesting happened to me in canada

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
ok. so i was on the top of clifton hill near niagra falls. i bought a bottle of absinthe (79 dollars btw)!
and this car pulls up to the light. a tricked out 2005 mustang BLARING and i mean fucking BLARING engines of hate.

it made my day. I of course would later down half a bottle of absinthe, and an entire box of sugar cubes, go down to the club rumours, and dance my ass off. hahahaha
It was sounding pretty good, up til the sugar cubes and dancing ;(
Its a small world.

I had a similar Virginia City Nevada!
We were walking through this bumfuck town, and somebody was driving down the street blasting Opeth's To Rid the Disease.

Then they were blasting the lobby of Fitzgerald's in Reno.

Too freaking weird.
well, there is good and better here.
we buy Mr.Jekyll and pay 13 $ (7 dl) for it.
north america is not a good friend. :erk: :D
The absinthe I get up here costs me about $40 for a 2-6. Its homemade, and its done right. Good shit.
Potcheen is Irish homemade moonshine. Diluted to 1 part per 9 parts water and its STILL stronger than vodka. I drunk a half litre water bottle at my cousins wedding last year of the stuff and was unconcious for 48hours.

RAWK for home made bevy.
the absinthe i had was 110 proof. came with this cool spoon and everything.

being a heavy drinker i didnt know what to expect, but it tasted a LOT like black licorious (sp)

yeah,. it was really expensive. it was made in the chech republic. but TOTALLY worth it.
I believe though that the thujone content is legally restricted to a low amount, when it's not banned outright, in certain Canadian provinces.
deathstrike from hell said:
the absinthe i had was 110 proof. came with this cool spoon and everything.

being a heavy drinker i didnt know what to expect, but it tasted a LOT like black licorious (sp)

yeah,. it was really expensive. it was made in the chech republic. but TOTALLY worth it.

All the Anise-flavored alcohols taste like licorice. Absinthe is the only one I know to be illegal in the U.S., so if you like it for the taste rather than the narcotic properties, you should try some of the others. Pretty much every mediterranean and balkan state has their own variant.