Something new, and a bit heavy

Hey man thanks for the listen. I'll try that suggestion with the gtrs and drums. I still have to crank the track up a bit anyways, although the way the L2 plugin always seems to kill my snare is slowly getting to me, lol. Does anyone know a way around this?

I like it!

Guitars sound fine on my system. Maybe just turn their bass down a hair.

Snare seems too loud to me. I'd turn down some of the lower frequencies and maybe bring up the presence. I'd also try a different attack time for the snare comp. Snare carpet is also quite loud. IMO

Sounds good!

I agree on the guitars being a bit down in presence, and being muffled a bit.. bring em up a bit and it would blend in just fine with the rest.. they do sound heavy when palm-muted!

Absynth in the beginning b.t.w.?
Thanks for listening guys. I do agree with the snare being a little loud, although I did that so when I finally run it through the L2, my snare doesn't get killed again. I'll also bring the guitars up a bit, and post the final version when I'm done. Umm, the synth in the beginning was the Arturia CS-80V. It's got some neat little presets on it, although some of them are a little more suited to chessy Cabaret music, lol.
Hey guys, I uploaded a newer mixed version of the track to the original link. I have spent the last couple of days trying to get the sound right, although I'm not sure. I think it sounds better than before. Anyone have any input on the new sound?
Really good writing. The guitars are a little overwhelming. How many tracks. It sound like it is quad tracked. The cleaner parts are what pisses me off. To be honest I think the cleaner more laid back parts sound like crap. But like I said great writing and playing.