Something serious......


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
Hello Everybody,
I wanted to complain about something that not amuses me when I look in this forum.
Many of you are writing that they downloaded this album here and this album there... and call themselves Dan Swanö-fans. As a fan you should think about support Dan and his music by buyin' his albums instead of getting everything for free! Sometimes his stuff (like Unicorn) is hard to find, but that's no excuse. It takes a while but via internet you'll find the CD's somewhere like I did. And nearly everything Dan did is really good, therefor no one has to listen to some projects first on Mp3 and shit. It's always good, you know. On Dan's own homepage you can find some tips where to get stuff. Good music should be treated with respect, and not just as product. Remembering the time and the feelings are put in a n album you should show the respect that's needed.

Apart from that I'm glad to see how nice and friendly everyone in this forum is. When I think of some german metal forums where you get atacked for everything you write, I'm glad that you guys and girls are that rational.;)
Unicorn youre perfectly right !

As far as I heard EVERYTHING Dan did is a very well done piece of music, and even more if you think of doing some albums ALL BY HIMSELF (e.g. Moontower) - astonishing.

And by the way Dan himself can tell you where to get his CDs if he cant send them by himself.

ROCK ON !!!!
It`s been my politic for years to download some tunes to check out an album before I buy it. And I don`t feel ashamed about it.
I ALWAYS but the records I like , at least the ones I can get hold of. My collection should be the perfect profe of that , counting somewhere between 500 - 600 albums.

I always listen to the albums in the recordstore before bying them , so it`s the same anyway.

I`m a musician myself , and I know very well how irritating it is when your music is spread out on the internet. But I must , as all others , face the fact that internet is here to stay. If it`s used just to check out new bands and records , and not to download the whole ( wich I totaly agree with you is a fucked up thing to do ) I think it`s great.

Artists who delivers great music ( = Dan Swanö ) will in my point of view , get more fans , and more easily get to spread their music throughout the world when some of their music is available at the internet.

Belive you me , I will by every item I can get hold of that has "Dan Swanö" printed on it.
I agree with you, Unicorn. But it seems to be normal to download everything via Audio Galaxy nowadays. Even the so called 'metal heads' that I know personally, download everything from their favourite bands, but don't buy even a single damn CD. They always claim not to have enough money...maybe they should spend less for dope. It's a pity. But I never download MP3s (I've only got an 56k modem anyway...). I always have to wait for albums, I can only get the stuff that's available and those bastards get EVERYTHING - in notime. I better stop thinking of makes me fucking angry.

PS: Thanks to all of those here who support metal and buy the albums that you like!!
i don't have infinite money (poor student me).
so sadly, i cannot actually buy every album which contains good music.

however, i try to buy as much of the best music, as my budget allows me to, on cd.

personally think that the internet/mp3 are great tools in finding the music you like. before there was internet, you could copy cds onto a tape and trade it with others. i don't think this is that different at all.

some people never buy cds. those people are mostly the people who are not that much into music, and wouldn't have bought much cds either in the pre-internet era of music...
1). its fucking big difference between mp3 and CD quality. On my stereo I even can listen difference between piratical and normal CDs even not speaking about mp3
2). Open leaflet of Nightingale "I". 16 pages of text and interesting pictures. U holding another piece of art, man...
3). /agree with Nico16. Be4 u buying CD u should listen it.
i agree with you guys, and i have the same mindset. i'll listen to some bits to see if i like it, but i like to support my favorite bands so i won't rip anyone off. i own every cd i have. :D

is there anywhere i could hear some clips of Nightingale other than Alive Again (which i have)?
or just even descriptions

I very rarely burn cds instead of buying them, and usually when i do its only for temporary use. The problem is, with the exception of larger metal bands (like iron maiden and judas priest and stuff like that), it is virtually impossible for me to find cds to buy without driving 50 minutes minimum. The problem with my area of New Jersey is that its all MTV infested crap so no indie record stores exist, with the exception of like 2 but they only sell indie rock not indie metal at all. So usually what i do is when i have an extra like 150 dollars to spend ill take the drive to the one record store which has stuff i actually want to buy and buy like 10 cds. I mean thats the reason i download music, the unavailability of it in stores, and every time i try to order a cd over the internet it takes me like a month to get it, so i dont do that unless it is a last resort (besides, shipping charges tend to be rediculous)
Hopkins I know what you mean ... I ordered Unicorn in Italy and now I will order Pan Thy Monium in UK. Fortunately EOS, Nightingale and Dans Solo CDs are available in almost every bigger Record Store here ... so we here in Germany are on the lucky side there ...for all fellow Swanö-Maniacs who search for EOS or Swanö or Nightingale Stuff try - maybe they have the one YOU are searchin´for ... rock on folks !
around where i live in the US, they only sell crap in the stores, and they charge you $5 to $10 too much. i had to do quite a bit of searching to find Nightingale cds, i found Alive Again on
The end records rulz =) got my Alive Again copy from there together with the last Lacrimosa and Kari Rueslå service and actually it costed me less than buying the CDs here (bloody Greece)

I actually don't like the idea of d/ling a lot of stuff...Of course it can be useful,you get to know new bands,listen to rare stuff blah blah,but i think that when one is a dedicated fan of a musician it is somehow his "obligation" to get the Cd of this is unfair for the band.....
But when one is not really a big fan,then somehow i understand it,cause anyway this person wouldn+t buy the CD..let alone that even the copie after a couple of months will be left gathering dust...I+m refering to people who do this with a couple of bands not with everything they find online.....The latter sometimes i find annoying and practically useless....

As for the need to prelisten to a Cd before buying i partially understand,even though i rarely do so with the bands i already like/love...It's somehow a personal decision one should take

To sum up and shut up,internet can help the bands to gain new fans and also the fans to get to know new bands,but all this up to some point....

Hey Black Wiz...

Ever try Vintage Vinyl in Woodbridge on Route 1 South and Fords? They've got a brilliant selection... also a website for orders and stuff. Their metal section is enormous.

Compact Disc and Tape Store on Route 35 South in Middletown is also very good.

I do most of my shopping there, even though I work in the Media Department at a local Best Buy!
I download like crazy and then buy what I like. I had the new Opeth 3 months before it came out and the new Katatonia even earlier. I always support the bands I dig by purchasing their albums. Its just silly to steal stuff like that. But it is kinda fun to have stuff months before it comes out :)
Iverness, VIntage vinyl was the store i was referring to that i drive to. Unfortunately i drive a camaro which eats gas more than like, i cant think of any funny metaphors at the moment. The point is that it takes way too long to get there and too much gas to make weekly visits (i buy cds a lot, between mid march and mid may this year [spring break to end of the semester] i bought something like 50 some odd cds. I think the total count was like 53). I just wish other cd stores would carry something i might be interested in buying, i bought every maiden and pantera album years ago, so ive pretty much used up the metal sections in normal cd stores.

Ill check out the store on 35 though, once i get a free day to drive to middletown.