Something that I'm working on at the moment


Sep 16, 2004
Helsinki, Finland
Not another "rate my mix" thread? Oh yes. I'm doing this five song EP for a band called Chaos Infinitum. Here's a small clip from one of the songs:

Edit: Final versions are available here

What do you think?

You can read the studio diary from their site. I recorded the drums, vocals and reamped the guitars and bass. The band recorded the guitars and bass themselves.
Thanks! I will check the vocal levels with different speakers. Guitar chain looks like this:

TS808 clone -> Peavey 6505+ -> Peavey cab (w/ Jensens) -> SM57 -> TLA 5050 Ivory II

I also recorded the preamp out. I mixed the Peavey cab with Kazrog's impulse. Peavey was at 0 db and impulse at -14 db. After that I did some EQ'ing and compressing.
Alright, I lowered the vocals and added some more distortion to the bass sound:

Edit: Link removed

I think this is pretty much the final version. I will post some full songs when everything is ready.