Something that might..well..sensibilise you.

I was exactly the same as you 495 a coupla years ago, but I don't know... you kinda just change and stop being so anal about a lot of stuff like that. Its weird, its like its hormonal or instinctual or something. Now every weekend I write myself off. I'll tell you what not to do though, drink a shit-load of piss, so much so that you can hardly focus, then decided to toke about 4 cones of the strongest hyge (is that how you spell it?) known to man. That was fucked up. I've never seen so many stars in my life, and I spewed on this chick that I was trying to get with. Booyah!
Well..I also fucked myself up with alcohol at a new years eve party...i bowed down to the porcelain god for more than an hour :grin:
So I have my drinking limits..sometimes I try to smoke weed, but not much, and my lungs don't like smoke.

Well, excessive Headbanging is my favoured drug :rock:
liquid scid - no.
pear cider- no. [ i willook into it ]

isn't acid for the oldies...

DMT dude, anyway
I have no need for any drug or alcohol or tobacco. My imagination and my thoughts are my high. I don't need a drug to make me think about the meaning of life, human nature, spirituality, society, the life that lies ahead after this world, etc. because I already do that without a drug. My mind never ceases to think, I even think about thinking. It's insane. But it is also what keeps me sane. If I didn't think, I wouldn't be human, right?! Oh, and writing is a fucking amazing drug, everyone should try it. It is hard, and once you succeed, it is extremely rewarding. Of course, the tribulations of life are what makes life fun. If I had everything in life, then life wouldn't be fun.
Lord of Metal said:
I have no need for any drug or alcohol or tobacco. My imagination and my thoughts are my high. I don't need a drug to make me think about the meaning of life, human nature, spirituality, society, the life that lies ahead after this world, etc. because I already do that without a drug. My mind never ceases to think, I even think about thinking. It's insane. But it is also what keeps me sane. If I didn't think, I wouldn't be human, right?! Oh, and writing is a fucking amazing drug, everyone should try it. It is hard, and once you succeed, it is extremely rewarding. Of course, the tribulations of life are what makes life fun. If I had everything in life, then life wouldn't be fun.

Yeah I'm the same as you dude, I only really drink these days and thats only weekends with friends as a social thing. You have a good outlook, don't lose that!
Yah, I have actually only been drunk once a couple of months ago. Happened at an after-prom party. Got loaded, hugged everyone I saw, made out with my girlfriend alot, crawled downa bunch of stairs, then called my dad to come pick me and the girlfriend up! I didn't puke either. Fun night..........but I only drink as a social thing, it's pretty fun. I should actually be getting drunk right now, but plans got fucked. Although I had a good time seeing Phone Booth(which everyone here should see) and not such a good time getting stood up by my fucking girlfrind. I wonder if that was a revenge thing?

Oh well, drinking is fun and should be done in moderation, Phone Booth was awesome, Keifer Sutherland is God, and women are the fucking anti-christ.


Donnie Darko is a FUCKED UP movie!
I get different angles to ponder things from my own considerations of almost every angle to a situation and thought, and also from others. Again, I don't need a drug to do that for me.
and i also dont really know if 'drugs' is the right word for shrooms. they grow naturally by themselves. yes, now people do grow them on purpose, but its not like they were made in a lab. they were discovered in a forest.
Ah, well, I don't need any enhancements either. And you have no idea what all runs through my mind. Believe me, if you thought like I do, you would be insane, and most likely dead by now.
But the MEAD man, the MEAD!

And no one is crazier than me. If you could see my thoughts, half of you would die from fright, half would go insane, and neal would shrug it off. *Drum Roll*

I'm serious, though. My own thoughts haunt me sometimes.