Something that pissed me off about ProgPower

I am going to throw gas on the fire. What I think Glenn needs to do next is go off the beaten path. There are a lot of bands out there who would do wonders for ProgPower in the future. Face it: How many more times can one go into the same cradle? He is starting to move in that direction out of Northern Europe with signing Wastefall and Firewind (Though Firewind is a Greek act via Boston). But, eventually, you are going to run out of quality acts in Scandinavia and Germany. So, why not venture into Eastern Europe for something like Riverside? South Africa for Agro? Australia for Lord and Virgin Black? Asia for Seraphim, Fuseboxx and Saeko? Even Latin America for Beto Vasquez. (Yes, Nightwish fans, even though he is so far up Marcelo's ass that if Marcelo stops short, Beto would be coming out of Marcelo's mouth, he is still a damn fine guitarist) and Legion of Hetheria. Will it be more expensive? Sure. So you make the 2-day shindig $140. Big whoop! How much is Tuska? WOA? Download? Ozzfest? They ain't cheap, you know. Gotta give this to Glenn: He gives you the most bang for your buck. Shit, how much did Jack Koshick charge you to see him turn a band like Opeth into a fifth rate garage band with shitty sound and crap equipment that he forced on them?

Look, the truth is, to keep it fresh and interesting, you need to keep it fresh and interesting. These steps would do the trick.

RAy C.
Bryan, your subject line weirded me out. I thought, "Oh great, way to go Bryan!" Then I actually read your post! But I didn't read all the replies yet. Bottomline, Glenn works his ass off to put quality bands up on that stage. In the past 6 years, there hasn't been a band that I haven't found something I like about after watching their set. That proves to me that I can trust Glenn's good ear for picking great bands, hence I'll be there every fall regardless of whose on the bill. Doesn't matter if they're "big" or not, I want GOOD.. :lol:
Bryan, your subject line weirded me out. I thought, "Oh great, way to go Bryan!"

heh, yeah, a little misleading there... it's not something about ProgPower itself that pissed him off... it was something about this guy he was talking to about ProgPower. :loco: I thought the same thing at first, and I thought it was just me. :)
I already admitted the thread title was total shit! GET OFF MY JUNK!! BEEOTCHES!!!

I, as well, agree that new bands should be brought into the lineup. I went last year with no knowledge of Freak Kitchen or Vision Divine. And holy shit...
Freak Kitchen is a great example of how a live performance can be the best way to discover a band. Their energy knocked me back on my ass. Hard. Vision Divine was amazing too and I am now a fan of both of those. Furthermore, Epica was here last year. It was their first show in the U.S. and I heard from several people that they were blown away by their performance, as was I. It was simply amazing and I think they gained fans that night too.
Precisely. This is NOT a "bad" lineup. It's as metal as they come!

Whether it has enough Symphony X or Blind Guardian for your tastes, bah humbug! Go become a new fan of a band you never knew before! Hell... I couldn't believe Vanden Plas when I first saw them! Yeah, I downloaded a few tracks of theirs to get familiar, but that ain't the same!

My brother's still pissing his pants with laughter at seeing Mattias IA Eklundh's ass dildo on the DVD! It's STILL amazing! But when he first heard the sample of Speak When Spoken To, he sure didn't like it. Neither did I. Boy were we wrong!
Touchy subject, but here goes. I've dropped a few unflattering opinions about the Fest's lineup this year and recent years. (Nothing to do with the names not being "big" enough, btw.) You can call it a lack of open-mindedness if you want, I don't think that's exactly the issue. Some people go to concerts for different reasons. This board appears to be full of folk who flat-out love live metal music. Seems like even if a band isn't their favorite, they look forward to energetic shows ... just taking in the performance and the environment is fun and a big reason to be there.

I guess I'm in the minority, but live music only really interests me when it's bands I love ... to hear songs I adore performed right in front of me, surrounded by people who share the same appreciation for the emotional and dramatic weight of something I generally just listen to in my car or living room. Thus, seeing PoS was like a religious experience. Seeing Edguy up close and personal was amazing. Jon Oliva doing Sava stuff, Angra doing Holy Land stuff ... moments to live for. Meanwhile, Blind Guardian ignoring Somewhere Far Beyond ruined that show for me. And bands I only "sorta like" just don't get me worked up at all. And same story with bands I don't know well -- and I contend this isn't closed-mindedness (c'mon, is a live setting really how you want to get to know a band?).

I don't know. To me there's just that top tier of music that is really special to me and worth a 5-day vacation and $1,200 to go be a part of, then there's a second tier that, sure, is definitely better than anything on the radio, but not something I'm interested in making a pilgrammage for. (Maybe those tiers are further apart for me than for others?) There's bands I've wanted to see and haven't yet, too ... that can lead to some misplaced frustration, I suppose. And I just don't see myself ever developing an emotional tie to bands like Primal Fear, After Forever, Redemption, Pagan's Mind, Firewind, Raintime, or Communic. That can further the frustration. I would love to be proven wrong, though -- one can never have enough special music in his life.

I would say that all of the folks on this forum get excited about seeing the bands that they love live. It seems that there is also a handful of folks who are genuinely looking to find more "special music" to have in their lives. Those who don't just love live metal music, but find there's something different about bands when they play live ... and that allows for us to give those bands a second chance. There are plenty of bands that, until I saw them live, I "just couldn't get into them" or I "didn't like them." For some of us, seeing a band live can sometimes give us a whole new perspective on that band. Perhaps I am willing to keep coming back to PP every year (well, at least for the past 3 and this one) and believing that there will always be something new I will come home liking because PP (and Glenn) have never let me down when it comes to offering an outstanding line-up of bands and a kick-ass show.

Maybe it's just me, but I am struggling to understand how someone who likes Edguy, Blind Gaurdian and Savatage can say they don't like Primal Fear. You like what you like and that is perfectly fine, but if you take the opportunity and I think there will be many bands out there that will surprise you when you see/hear them live. I hope you'll come to Atlanta and take the opportunity to find some new "special music." :D