Something wild question


Panzer Division Humus
Nov 24, 2001
Yes indeed, another question about the releases by me! I'm sort of collection COB-releases and my newest one is Something Wild original Spinefarm release, with blue logo and other backcover.(I bought it for the price of a normal CD :rock: )
Now my question is, is their any difference between the MUSIC? I have seen some treads about screams that were their on one release and not on the other, so is their a difference between this release and the regular?

No, there are no musical differences between these records. I myself have Something Wild original SPinefarm release, new Spinefarm release and the digipack. I have to get the Nuclear Blast version somehow, but I'm too lazy to order it all the way from Germany, 'cause I live in Finland..
I have the regular NB-version, first Spinefarm and soon I'll have the promo-version of Something wild.
I'm too lazy to order the spinefarm release, it just doesn't make sense, no bonus track, no other layout just another label....

Is it the digipack shape you own or is their a digipack with regular disc too?
Yes there is a digi with a regular cd too, and Children of Bodom as a bonus track. I actually ordered the shape version about three months ago, but after 3 weeks had passed, they just told me: "We cannot deliver this item. Sorry." The Bastards!!!
And... The Spinefarm first release and the new release are the same except the logo. So the new Spinefarm release and the NB release have a different back. I also would like to own the Japan Import with Mass Hypnosis and Children of Bodom bonus tracks. I could buy it at an auction here in Finland, but it costs a bit too much even at this moment when the auction hasn't even ended..
I see your also more or less a collector. I saw the Something wild shape - not the digipacked, the other, in a store some monts ago but I didn't buy it. It's too late now...
I'm more of a Hatebreeder-collector, otherwise I would spend way to much money at auctions...
Yeah, I know. That's the problem. Always when you see something rare and don't buy it, it's too late the next time.. I just bought Korean imports of every album. Cost me only 46€. But what about Something Wild -LP? Whoa, that's RARE!!!! I'm going to buy Hatebreeder and Follow.. pic-LPs next month.. Damn, I'm broke if I keep going on like this!!!!
Something wild LP? I didn't know it was that rare, better get that one than. Where are you getting the Hatebreeder LP? I'm still looking for that one the regular way, so no trade...
Well, I don't know about that SW LP, I haven't even seen one so I thought it's quite rare. But I know a place here in FInland where I can buy those Follow.. and Hatebreeder pic-LPs, but I don't know if i should reveal my secret.. =)
I'll be getting my something wild LP next week. I was just about to set up a trade and I noticed hey had the LP, I had to trade quite some stuff though...:rolleyes:
I'll be getting a rare as hell Dark Funeral-bootleg. Only 3 copies at the moment in the whole world, I'll get it from the man who recorded it. If anybody's interested in
Oh well, even if you tell me the store, I lie in Belgium so it's no use to me. I'll get it someday...
I will post some pics of the SW-vinyl when I get it