Something Wilde re-release


Nov 23, 2001
Malaga, SPAIN
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I have just to read in a Spanish Heavy Metal site ( that Nuclear Blast is going to re-release, this 15 July, the album "Something Wild", with extra tracks and a multimedia track.

Am I the only one who didn´t know this thing??
Cool. The bonustrack is Silent Scream. But first they said that there would be two bonustracks. I thought it would be the Japanese bonustracks for Something Wild. Now it's an unreleased cover so more people will buy it I think.
Definitely. I have already pre-ordered my copy. Actually I ordered two copies, but the other one is for my friend..
Both of those discs are on my "albums I crave list" Except if tokyo warhearts is released in the states, I want it to have a different cover. The cover on the ones right now is grim!
Err.. I guess you can't get it in Finland, except if you can find a store that can order it for you from Germany. 'Cause as always, Nuclear Blast releases are not sold in Finnish stores.. =(

Btw, IcedEarth556, I have two copies of the Tokyo Warhearts A5 release.. :lol:
oh yeah, and this dude, bodomite has every different copy of TW that have been released, I guess.. I also have the TW green vinyl. The black vinyl and the Toy's Factory 2nd version are on their way to my possession, but the Toy's Factory 1st version I can't get anywhere.. =(
I got my copies of the Toy's Factory releases yesterday. Well, except the TW 1st version.. Damn, they were expensive!