sometimes it cracks me up that my friends are approaching 30 and still live at home.

hahaha dude you're so in!

i think i want a tall chick next time. last time i dated a girl that wasn't a foot shorter than me was in high school, and i think only one was taller than me. man, she had legs like 4' tall fuuuuuck...
that is awesome ... I never dated a real tall chick either .. I want to do some crazy shit to one though ... some stand up sex would be intrigueing.

I don't know what to make of this Irish chick ... she could be one of those naively friendly chicks ... but I only cut my hair with her once ... and she remembered EVERYTHIGN about what we talked about that first time.

I realy believe I cannot read chicks anymore ... fuck
Me and my girlfriend broke up, this is what i tapped the other night


And lurch, sodom fuckin' slayed, i thought you where gonna be there nukka!
man, i need to Boomhauer chicks instead of talking them like a human being. just walk up to 100 and try to get laid with all of them right off the bat, and hope for like a 2% turnaround.
once I was NAD said:
man, i need to Boomhauer chicks instead of talking them like a human being. just walk up to 100 and try to get laid with all of them right off the bat, and hope for like a 2% turnaround.

well i was guessing yes, but if it's something different please let me know and i'll try the Tully Method. :loco:
seriously though, i've never been out just to get laid. i really need to do that, at least for awhile. teach me, oh rockers of poon. :Spin:

edit: oh wait, just go out and "hey baby" everyone you can, gotcha.
once I was NAD said:
well i was guessing yes, but if it's something different please let me know and i'll try the Tully Method. :loco:

Hahah, just gotta be a smooth criminal brotha. peeeeeeeimp. Basicly just be Snoop Dogg.

I really don't do that though, the "Boomhour" method or watever :( haha.
i think my mistake is i always go for a woman's personality. i'm like one of those "i want a girlfriend" type dudes when i'm looking for chicks. that shit doesn't get you laid. then again i'm only taking out that beer bitch next week in hopes to get laid, i don't want relationship, i just want, bang bang bang. maybe this will be a whole new leaf to turn over, like the Eve leaf where underneath is PUSSY!!!
once I was NAD said:
i think my mistake is i always go for a woman's personality. i'm like one of those "i want a girlfriend" type dudes when i'm looking for chicks. that shit doesn't get you laid. then again i'm only taking out that beer bitch next week in hopes to get laid, i don't want relationship, i just want, bang bang bang. maybe this will be a whole new leaf to turn over, like the Eve leaf where underneath is PUSSY!!!

Psh no way man, thats what DOES get you laid, at least for me. I just lounge around chilling and talking to people untill a chick catches my eye personality wise, then a swing by her area and drop some slickrick type shit blahblahblah and get a convo going. Through this convo, usually on a mutual subject that interests us both but I have more knowledge of (thus making me out to be the man) I use my velvety vocal chords to wetten her up. After a little more jibjab I see how shits going and if its gonna be a catch for the night or not. If so I shift up a few gears and lay on that satiny smooth talk a little more till I can tell I'm hitting her ears the right way. Then, later on, boh boh, its on.
Me and my girlfriend broke up, this is what i tapped the other night


And lurch, sodom fuckin' slayed, i thought you where gonna be there nukka!

Uhhh where's that "Explain why your more metal than the avg metalhead thread?" You've clinched.

@ Lurch...Wtf is a mandingo? Is that someone who is half Man, half dingo? [/henrikmainhumor]