sometimes it cracks me up that my friends are approaching 30 and still live at home.

$1200 for a 1 bedroom apartment? sheeeeeit someones getting it rammed up the ass.

that's a mortgage payment on a 3 bedroom/2.5 bath two story house down here, in a nice neighborhood
lurch70 said:
i think its enough ... you know ... for example if I go out at any time ... I always see cops ... somewhere ...

in most European cities ... I rarely used ot bump into any ... walking, driving ... anywhere.

I still can't believe that the "normal" police officers in London don't have fucking guns. SHEEEEEESH.
lizard said:
I'm really not much of a fan of OH but if I had to live in this state I'm glad this is the city. It's far nicer than Cincy or Cleveland. Although I hear Yellow Springs is an island of bohemians, so I would probably like it there. I think someone here used to live there.
me, goddam it
lol @ you guys taking seriously anything posted on an internet forum. didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings....................for being a nerd who lives with their parents hahahahahahaha

ahh, j/k and fwiw, i didnt leave home until three months after i graduated college - at age 24 thusly i think i have personal experience in being what i call a loser. i missed out on a tremendous amount of experiences by living at my parents house. i plan on kicking my sons ass out at 18. i honestly cant think of a better thing for him at that time.
okay so i finally got around to reading this mess, didn't mean to offend anyone and i was more questioning the western rationalization of MOVE AWAY OTHERWISE YUO = SUCK, but either way:
Muso Leeny said:
I still live at home and I'm 43.
this thread is now a complete success. :headbang:
i think i explained it in the Business thread. actually i didn't, so i'll explain it here!

her and i both were confused on whether we wanted to get back together. but whereas i have no problem telling her (or anyone really) my thoughts and feelings on the situation, she bottles up. completely. as in she won't talk to me, at all. getting her opinion on much of anything was always impossible, because she "wasn't raised to express herself" and still couldn't get over that with an overtly talkative idiot boyfriend such as myself, PLEADING her to speak up about anything and everything.

so after a week of trying to get ahold of her and being ignored, i said this is done with. which of course got her to call me back finally, and i said "screw a penny, a million dollars for your thoughts," told her i hope that someday she'll find someone she can actually talk to, and wished her the best. the end.
once I was NAD said:
so after a week of trying to get ahold of her and being ignored, i said this is done with. which of course got her to call me back finally, and i said "screw a penny, a million dollars for your thoughts," told her i hope that someday she'll find someone she can actually talk to, and wished her the best. the end.

That's great. I saw this one girl I dated like 8 months ago (apparently she counted it) randomly at a club and upon first meeting her we just grab each other and make-out for 5 minutes. Strange as hell. Like, not even a word spoken in 8 months and we're tonguing down in less than a minute of seeing each other. Now, I tried calling her this week and she has been super evasive. I call and she doesn't call back or answer. Maybe I'll do this.
getting back with an ex never works, i need to remember this someday. also, there's nothing quite as exciting as newtit, and you don't get that with someone you already dated.
seriously. man, i should've gotten newtit with that crazy tattoo bint a few months ago. she had GIANT TITTIES, oh man. oh well!
got a haircut today ... chick cutting my hair is a friend of my ex ...
maron ... she is this total doll, Irish chick ... full on accent ... into guy shit ... sports, cars ... hanging out ... tits like heaven, body .... totally illegal ... just heaven ...

rap with her throughout my haircut ... big laughs and all ... pay my bill ... two winks ... i even turned around and saud something again ... another wink.

she has a mandingo boyfriend though ...

what fucking gives? I cannot tell anymore ...
he's an ex basketball player ... she is into tall guys ... this was communicated to me as well ... and she is this just yummy perfect shorty ... oh ... and that accent