Sonar X1 & Superior Drummer - Wav Export Issue


May 24, 2005
I would post this at Cakewalk but their forum database appears to be broken at the moment.

For some reason when I export my projects to wav the superior tracks are not exported but all other audio tracks are there. My only work around is to bounce the drums to a track and then export. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance...
Have you tried selecting all tracks (including the superior drummer MIDI and AUDIO tracks) before exporting? I usually control + A to select all before i export my sessions.
Have you tried selecting all tracks (including the superior drummer MIDI and AUDIO tracks) before exporting? I usually control + A to select all before i export my sessions.

Yes. I do that out of habit. I know I'm missing something stupid. I never had this problem before. This started about 6 months ago.