sonata arctica forum

Originally posted by Steve420
Get his autograph!
we exchanged our email addresses and i think we'll keep in contact; i'd feel quite stupid asking him his autograph :lol:
Originally posted by mourningstar
rick's on the other sa forum. where the blonde sheep made her appearance, too!

Ahh, well I might look in from time to time, just to say hello.
I'm surprised Heidi has started using it, or even at all.
I guess Ade might start using it, too. I told him about it. I think I even sent him the URL.
I'm still here, just waiting for the server to settle in before I bookmark all the forums I use here..til then, I'm not here as much cuz it's more of a pain to navigate here. ;)
i think any forum is just 2 clicks away wheter it's among your boomarked ones or not. you can't escape, jax! mwahahaaaaaaaa! ;)
tip top, old sport.
to be completely honest I only check this CHAT section now to see if you guys are posting, I cannot begin to tell you how tedious it is to see "the official talking thread in Botswanian" or whatever.

now to get back to SA, has anyone noticed how in the new web site pic they don't look like kids anymore (except for Jani!). time marches inexorably forward, even for those who some deem to be gods.
Good to hear you're ok.
I know what you mean about this forum. I'm posting less and less.......about less and less. All these polls and 'now something' threads.......:bah:

I haven't checked out the new pictures. I'll do that shortly.
Tony Kakko looked like Jesus Christ in the most recent pictures I'd seen. Not necessarily a bad thing, especially if christians like Silverstar (I'm sure I've got her screen name wrong) are fans of the band ;)

In other news, stay tuned for a Dangerman-included release from Intense, a UK power metal band! He'll be hitting the studio with them in March, with the album slated to be finished in April.
If you like DragonForce, it's probably similar to that, although I've not heard them yet.
Also, inbetween Ade's busy schedule with that and his planned moving of house, he and I are busy recording demo tracks for a power metal-concept album of his. One demo song is already recorded, and we'll be doing another 3 or 4 in a couple of weeks.
hey rick. i know what you're saying about this forum. but i'm glad to hear that we are still considered an attraction for you to read :D

if you want to fly over to europe, i'll assure you me and lee will buy a giant-shaped sofa. you only have to do that stoned face and everything will be like the good old times *clown*

Originally posted by lizard
time marches inexorably forward, even for those who some deem to be gods.
well, consider neptune, for example; i haven't found someone who considers him young and attractive, yet!

val (a semi-goddess :cool: )
yes, keep me posted on the doings of Ade and yourself.,.,,and any updates also on the Dangerbaby! I know Kara is an old hand at this birthing business, but he's probably gonna be a nervous wreck.

Val: you are more than a mere demigodess, truly sent from the heavens to make our days just a fraction brighter :p

actually there's only one new pic of the band, you won't even recognize the drummer, Portino...he's gotten completely full of hair! Kakko is looking rather prophet-like...