Song for you to mix!

How do you get your DI's so clean. My DI's have noise when there is no transients playing (with emulators on). Yours are quiet. 51_Pickasso.wma
Mixed this down in Reaper. Tried for more of a low gain straight into Marshall guitar rhythm tone. So chain was:
Hybrit/Lecab 1.0/eq
For the solo, went very high gain, wanted a noticeable contrast so the solo would stick out:
Tse 808/Legion/Marshall impulse/chorus

Thanks for sharing! Tight playing. I realized after mixing I forgot to add reverb or delay to the guitar solos, still seems to work, though.:loco:
Haven't posted on here in ages! The guitar DI's sound great. Really sharp when they're amped. 51.mp3

Awesome mix man! Thanks a lot about the DI's I was wondering how they would sound through a real amp, what all did you use for your mix?

elapidae1: Hey man, the guitars seem to be overpowering most of the mix, notch it down a few db's and i think it will be a more well rounded mix, you've got a good groove going though! And btw I should be doing vocals on this one and another one soon and ill post the vocal tracks when i get them finished!

spencerlogan: I believe i used 2 different guitars (Schecter Hellraiser C6 and Ibanez ART Les Paul) both with EMG 81/85 combo. Digging the lower-gained gritty tone of the song, good mix man!

Deathmetaler: Thanks a lot broseph!!

Wishx: I like the natural feel of the drums you brought with your mix, definitely a cool vibe going awesome mix man!

Dimester: Seems like the guitars have a slight bit of harshness as well as the bass being a tad flabby (probably the strings of my bass wasnt the best bass di to work with anyway but eh) but other than that great mix man!

Thanks everyone for showing interest in mixing the song! If you guys would like I have another song that was recorded the same day/tuning that i was going to release as a 2 song demo, heres an old reference mix, ill gather the stems and start uploading this one as well!

Heres the link to the other song: 50.mp3