Song in progress, AD, PodX3, Impulses, EWQLSO

I have'nt got any further with this song yet.. but if anyone is interested looking into how i worked, I've uploaded the reaper project with AD presets and POD X3 patch..
I have used plugins like Voxengo Warmifier and other non-freeware, so I don't know if everyone get anything out of this.. Could be interesting for noobs like me ;)

the project is a mess by now, but here it is:
Pass = onqel

- John

looks like the flac files of the guitars are messed up :\
no one seems to like the new mix :P but I'll share a little info to those who are interested:
the guitars are DI's through Dirthead and Engl V30 impulses.. the lead guitar is Dirthead also, but with another impulse..
The superior2 preset is Splat88's (thank you!), but I've modified it too fit the mix and blended in some other samples with the kick and snare.. :o
It sounds good, but I can't compare it to the old one since the download won't work. I remember that I liked the old mix too though. The rimshot could use a little reverb. Overall good sound and good music.
That sounds awesome! :) i love the piano. anyone know a decent program for piano stuff like that? Id love to have a go
Sounds amazing :O

Love everything, I think the guitars and bass combine perfectly, and have lots of body (@above). The kick seems to have a weird high-end though, similar to the one from SD2. I don't know how to describe it.
I'm really liking both versions. I'm used to the first so it'll take me a few days to get used to the updated one but I'm finding anything that I'm disliking off the bat.

Really enjoying the stuff you put out man. Keep it coming!
Thank you guys for positive feedback ;) It really makes me want to make more :P
I'm going to do some polishing on the mix and try to get this melody out of my system, it has been on my mind too long :p

spioraid, if it's welcome I will definately keep it coming ;)

Morgoe: I think I may have fixed the high-end kick issue now.. ?
Are you planning on vocals?

Not really, it's not my strong side.. I'm a bad singer and my lyrics just ends up stupid..
If anyone wants to try to put lyrics on it's OK with me.. But it can be a little work concidering the arrangement of the song :P