song/solo you're working on right now?


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2004
So what are you guys all working on right now? I just started working on the solo from in the dragons den, which is one of my favorite symphony x songs
The intro to Inferno (Unleash The Fire), The solo from Accolade II (I know the rest of the song) and all of The Odyssey, I am aslo transcribing some Evergrey songs.
i work on many songs at once, that way my practice is my song learning :D
Midnight, crushing day, always with you, always with me from satriani
the witching hour, sea of lies(that damed tapping grr) from Symphony X
massacre and crossroads duel from steve vai, and arpeggios from hell and trilogy suite from malmsteen. i think thats it lol
im filling in for a death metal band's drummer who left. so im working on learning their songs. They're called Aborted Existence. its actually really good. they have a good sense of melody and such. it keeps me busy. after that, me, Meedleyx10, bass2411 and our keyboarder who isnt on here for some reason or another are making up a song over the internet. emailing stuff back and forth and hoping it'll all come together when we practice/record it along with 2 other progmetal originals next summer. im also writing a symphony with the keyboarder who isnt on here for the school band to play @ the spring concert. wish THEM good luck :cool:
Yes, as v01c384032650927850432652043760984325065094275243 said, our band is still working on new stuff. You see i just moved from DE to montana so its gonna be a while before i get back home for REAL rehearsals and recordings and hopefully some gigs. Other than that im working on material for a solo album i hope to have recorded within the next year. Ive been working a lot on my fusion playing and improvisation. Ive really been getting my chops up a lot since the move...not much of a social life here yet so i have plenty of time for woodshedding.

As far as actual songs go, ive been working on some Greg Howe tunes lately....most notably Tales Told and Abrupt Terminal. Lots of LTE/DT stuff. Just learned the Sea of lies and most of the sins and shadows solos as well.
i learned the outro solo of Fade To Black by Metallica the other day because my friend didnt think i could play a Hammet solo haha.

i have not started yet but i plan to try the first solo of The Glass Prison by DT.