Song with Andy's gogs!!


Aug 4, 2006
hey guys, my 2nd post here :headbang:

last week i recorded a rock band (it's nothing extreme, it's more in the vein of blink182 :puke: but hey, job is a job) and replaced the snare, kick and toms with Andy's gogs. the drummer is kinda inexperienced with the click as u'll listen

i'd like to know ur impressions about it.. and about the whole song if possible.. any advices?


i forgot the link lol
some of the vocal parts seem to pop out just alittle loud..the guitar playing doesnt sound as tighty played as it could be and the bass drum sounds like it could use alittle more click cus it doesnt stick out very well

apart from that sounds cool
thanks for your reply mx582! if u listened the non-edited version of the song you would see the real mess hehe they're not a pro band, far away from that, so i couldn't demand great performances.. i recorded two guitar tracks for L and two for R and every take is different from the other, not tight at all.. thats why it sounds messy sometimes (and i've fixed a lot of that)

the bass drum was the real problem, it would take a year to cut/paste in the right places since the guitars are not that tight

i'm still not satisfied with vocals, i can hear the pops but they want it just like that! so who am i to desagree..

i was just afraid of the sound in general, it was a real challenge to make it sound better.. i'll post a little clip from before/after so u can see what i'm talking about:

but the happy expression in their faces compensate all the pain in the ass mixing :)

keep posting you opinions, it will help me a lot to "hear with another ears"
Sounds cool, except one thing. Whats wrong with the vocals? Did you reverse all of them? It seems like you did, I can't understand any of it...and if they want to have fans, it would help if they could understand what the vocalist is saying.


hahaha it's not english!! it's portuguese, i'm from Brasil :) and sorry for any english mistakes here, i can barely speak my own language....
Yeah I was just kidding with you :) Sounds cool man. The guitars seem a little too fizzy, and like someone already said, they could stand to be played a little tighter...but other than that it's nicely done. The guitars aren't even a big deal either, they work fine for this music.
