Songs currently kicking your ass.

i really, really dig this. finnish speed/thrash with some germanic and bay area influence + a pinch of maiden. heard people moan about how high the vox are in the mix but who cares when the delivery is so perfectly restrained. knows exactly when to give emphasis, when to change it up, when to sit out and let the riffs do the talking. and MAN, those riffs. the extended bridge in this song packs so many monster riffs/leads into 2 or 3 minutes. it fucking owns.

Fuck yeah man!
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Picked up a copy of Ansur on discogs.

They're supposed to be reissuing that Memento Waltz in October. I'll be the first in line. HBB you'd probably like this. Similar to Mekong Delta in some ways.
The best Leprous album in my opinion. Love when music gets all experimental like the 2nd half of this song. (After about 5:30 until the end). You'll never see Leprous the same way (unless you've heard this before).

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Bought this a couple months ago and finally sat down and listened to the whole album. Great stoner metal in the vein of Electric Wizard and somewhat Sabbath. Love the "feel"

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