Songs currently kicking your ass.

Yea, that's one of my favorite songs form one of my fav albums :kickass:

... even though they stole the main riff of Every Day Comes and Goes(@1:55) from Deep Purple's Flight of the Rat. ;)


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Yea, that's one of my favorite songs form one of my fav albums :kickass:

... even though they stole the main riff of Every Day Comes and Goes(@1:55) from Deep Purple's Flight of the Rat. ;)

They're similar but Sabbath's still sounds different and more metal, especially wrapped in that doom metal riff from the beginning (@0:00), Ozzy's vocals, and the descending outro riff with guitar solos (@4:00). This does sound heavier than other DP songs I've heard, but Sabbath still outdoes them easily imo.

Slayer though, gg
Under the Sun/Ever Day Comes and Goes is a 2 part song, hence the title. Clearly Under the Sun is the heavier part of that track. And honestly, I dont know how much more similar those riffs can get.

Oh and that's nowhere near being one of the heaviest DP songs, not even close tbh. And i dont know why you always bring up the whole "but Sabbath are more metalz!!" thing every time those two bands are brought up, but i really dont want to go through this bullshit with you again. Im not questioning Sabbath's heaviness, never have. I'm one of the people here who has went on record saying that they have some of the heaviest songs off all time, to this day. I was just pointing out the fact that they bit the main riff for Every Day Comes and Goes from Flight of the Rat.

Why not just give it up and be like "yea man fuck, that's the exact same fucking riff" instead of trying to turn this into some other "who's heavier" bullshit?
And i dont know why you always bring up the whole "but Sabbath are more metalz!!" thing every time those two bands are brought up,

Because you know what you were doing by mentioning DP in reply to me posting Sabbath, continuing previous 'debates' we've have about the two of them. The little winking smiley of course you were trying to stir shit up. I just posted a song that I was enjoying here.

Why not just give it up and be like "yea man fuck, that's the exact same fucking riff" instead of trying to turn this into some other "who's heavier" bullshit?

It's not the exact same riff. Play the two on guitar and you'll see they are not. The rhythm is the same but the DP riff goes higher and the Sabbath riff goes lower. I acknowledged they are similar first thing.

That similar riff only lasts for a little over 1 minute of the nearly 6 minute Sabbath song. It's not even close to the majority of the song.
None of this is necessary, but anyway I actually agree with you here, minus all the touchiness.

No way in hell does Black Sabbath outdo Deep Purple easily, in fact in many circumstances I prefer 70's Deep Purple over 70's Black Sabbath and I'm not making that choice flippantly, I do sort of see how Black Sabbath sound more Metal but at the same time I fucking love Heavy Metal organ playing, hence why I'm a huge Uriah Heep fan.

That piffle aside, which are the heaviest Deep Purple songs to you?
That similar riff only lasts for a little over 1 minute of the nearly 6 minute Sabbath song. It's not even close to the majority of the song.

Dude, why do you keep making me repeat myself? Does it entertain you? It is a TWO PART SONG. I was only talking about SECOND PART of that song, which i made clear in EVERY single one of my replies.

Because you know what you were doing by mentioning DP in reply to me posting Sabbath, continuing previous 'debates' we've have about the two of them. The little winking smiley of course you were trying to stir shit up. I just posted a song that I was enjoying here.

I wasn't continuing shit. How many times do i have to tell you, i was just pointing out the fact that those songs contain the same riff, one that BS "borrowed" from DP ... something a lot of casual listeners of both bands dont know.

I also said i enjoyed that song, shit i LOVE that song ... more so than i do Flight of the Rat. Never said whos better, or whos heavier or any of that bullshit. But geez, just fucking forget i even brought it up man.
Dude, why do you keep making me repeat myself? Does it entertain you? It is a TWO PART SONG. I was only talking about SECOND PART of that song, which i made clear in EVERY single one of my replies.

So you're saying Under the Sun is everything from 0:00 to 1:55 and from 3:11 until the end? So Every Day Comes and Goes lasts from 1:55 to 3:11. It is 1 minute 16 seconds long, doesn't really qualify as its own song imo. It's not long enough. So they copied one Rhythm in one part of a song, the actual notes played are still different. The majority of the song is different.

The song overall sounds almost like a metal medley to be honest. It's got at least 4 or 5 main riffs thrown together. Who knows maybe it's a tip of the hat to DP there and not meant to be copying them at all.
So you're saying Under the Sun is everything from 0:00 to 1:55 and from 3:11 until the end? So Every Day Comes and Goes lasts from 1:55 to 3:11. It is 1 minute 16 seconds long, doesn't really qualify as its own song imo. It's not long enough. So they copied one Rhythm in one part of a song, the actual notes played are still different. The majority of the song is different.

:guh: oh god, forget i even bothered bro.
oh with you i wont, i learned my lesson this time. "Dont mention DP in any context whatsoever because baroque will make it into some sort of weird Sabbath vs DP argument" .. gotcha. But yeah, i should have just ignored your initial response ... which is something i should probably do more often.
"Dont mention DP in any context whatsoever because baroque will make it into some sort of weird Sabbath vs DP argument"

Lol. Here's how it played out:

1) I post a Sabbath song I was enjoying to no one in particular.

2) You post a DP song in response to me saying Sabbath stole a riff from them.

Who started making it into a Sabbath vs. DP argument again? Don't act like you're innocent with your "Sabbath stole this riff" reply. Then you tried to say it was that "Exact" riff, then you backed off when I called you out on it and showed you it's not the same riff. Now you're trying to make me look like the bad guy instead because you realized it's NOT the exact riff.
1) i wasnt responding to you.

2) please go back and re-read my first post. Maybe if you read it out loud it would help? Do you need a link?

3) i never "backed off" of anything, i put that :guh: face and said i shouldn't have bothered because you keep making me repeat the same things while showcasing your ignorance with ... BUT ITS ONE SONG, IT'S NOT THE SAME RIFF, THE DOOM RIFF THAT STARTS AT 0:00, THEY'RE HEAVIER etc. It's like you're constantly ignoring what im saying, but at the same time responding.

4) I never once mentioned who's heavier or more metal or whatever the fuck.

It played out like this

1) I come in here and see one of my favorite BS songs psoted

2) i throw a somewhat "trivial" fact out there that the MAIN RIFF FROM EVERY DAY COMES AND GOES IS FROM DP's Flight of the Rat.

3) You somehow try and turn it into a who's heavier, who's more metal, etc bullshit argument, which i do not want to go through again.


4) goodnight