Songs currently kicking your ass.

No man I didn't get the White Magician EP,I saw that you posted that one and I reckon I'll grab it this week, after years of spending thousands on postage it's so good to have awesome metal for $15 delivered.
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I prefer it to Cold Bitch but overall I think I worship Free And Wild the most.
By the way, do you own the Scalare/Eldorado split 7 inch?

I hail the fuck out of the Eldorado side and I really hope they record a full length one day.

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Pretty fucking cool what he's doing and from what little I know and have read the label is a defiant stand from a young bloke that's lucky enough to have an older brother with a great music collection and passed it along. It seems to get harder as I get older aswell no amount of partying and shit does the job but it's here in the music he's putting out somehow.
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