Songs currently kicking your ass.

Yeah, he's a piece of shit. Any semblance of potential decency he had was pissed away back in the 70's. Since then he's basically been a leech on the tax payers and an extreme burden on his family, so this is really no shock at this point.

Some blame needs to be laid at his parents' feet too, they're classic enablers and they should have kicked him to the curb decades ago, might've done him some good too. Add to that Pentagram haven't released a worthy piece of music since 2004.

This might be the last straw for the metal world with this guy. Either way it should be.

Did you listen to Curious Volume? Is it that bad? I've only heard the title track.

As for Bobby, 50 years of doing hard drugs fucked up his brain. He probably relapsed and thats why he did it. No excuses tho, he's probably done. Great voice and lyrics though. Notorious legend.
Did you listen to Curious Volume? Is it that bad? I've only heard the title track.

It's not that Pentagram have released any bad albums, but Curious Volume is a lazy, bloated and generic album with a retarded production.

People who know him have said he continued to do drugs the entire time he was putting on a show for the cameras.

Hardly surprising. You don't kick an addiction older than most of us have been alive that quickly.
Didn't that piece of shit get arrested earlier this year for beating his 90 year old mother?

People feel sorry for someone so it makes them feel better about themselves, gives them some self worth, significance, now he has to eat some soy and chill out with bubba, make the dude punch his 90 years old mother, that's fucked up.