Songs currently kicking your ass.

Indeed! The Gallery was my first metal album actually, so this band will always hold nostalgic value for me. But yeah, these days I feel Skydancer and Of Chaos and Eternal Night is their best material and rather unique as well. And I enjoy the demo stuff. But I like everything up to and including The Mind's I if I remember. I should really dust off The Gallery because I've not listened to it in forever. Mikael got me to appreciate harsh vocals back in the day!

My mother tried to do me a nice thing, and bought me Fiction when it first came out, because she'd heard me talk about the band. Shame it's not very good, but a nice thought anyway!

man I remember when this came out I was about 15 years old and it was the shit!!!! and I find it funny how all the people I used to know back then that talk shit about this now, but,. like I tell them, I remember when!!!! man that was fun times
Indeed! The Gallery was my first metal album actually, so this band will always hold nostalgic value for me. But yeah, these days I feel Skydancer and Of Chaos and Eternal Night is their best material and rather unique as well. And I enjoy the demo stuff. But I like everything up to and including The Mind's I if I remember. I should really dust off The Gallery because I've not listened to it in forever. Mikael got me to appreciate harsh vocals back in the day!

My mother tried to do me a nice thing, and bought me Fiction when it first came out, because she'd heard me talk about the band. Shame it's not very good, but a nice thought anyway!

I enjoy every album by DT. Damage Done is a godly album.
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Production is rough in a bad way - everything is so quiet. But this is fucking epic. Love the way he screams “with warlocks and demons throughout the deep sombre woods, coming with sorcery and witchcraaaaafffft!” And the keyboard part that follows afterwards is majestic.

Having said that, I’m not sure how I feel about the re-recorded version. It’s obviously much more cleaned up and professional, but loses some of the charm. It’s also faster.

Okay, so I decided to dust it off...

We're off! The guitars blazing through the heavens, the riffs changing every 5 fucking seconds, the vocals screamed with so much energy it's like he's going to tear his throat out.

Fuck. I'm a teenager again. The nostalgia is real. Excessive and over the top in every sense, but guess what, I don't give a shit. Impossible for me to judge this outside of that nostalgia, it's just too strong. Even so, this is easily better than The Jester Race and Slaughter of the Soul.

That's right! You will suffer my punishment! Ughhh!

The charge of cosmos from our atmospheric skies will cause your fall, your downfall!

Uuuaaawhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My soul bears all weight of mountains as mankind weaves its silent end can there be no forgiveness? I curse the heaven above me as the light sinks through my outstretched fingers, fading in my open arms.

Make each tear in my bare hands a lifetime in Hell, and on this last day of light when our Autumn leaves fell, and as Heaven itself commands me out of its lair, I fear not, my face lined with darkness I'll goooooooooooo! I'll gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!