Songs currently kicking your ass.

Not sure, if I better should have posted these in the youtube-thread on the GMD social forum, but since I actually do like these versions (which I discovered when I got stuck in youtube's mashup-section for several hours yesterday), I might as well post them here:

I just love the new chorus: "In the midnight hour, she cried stand up for your rights."

been on some metalcore kick for the last couple of weeks lol. it may seem funny, but it's good, uplifting music which is conducive to my home office days. Dont feel like listening to black metal at all nowadays.
Human rules! Easily my favourite of their post Leprosy albums.

I posted this a few weeks (days? I don't even know in this lockdown, I'm losing track of time) ago in this thread:

I think you should listen to this remastered version of the album.
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