Songs currently kicking your ass.

I was just looking up this album on RYM and someone in the shoutbox mentioned there's an uncut version of this album with a few extra tracks. Don't think it was ever officially released, but there are some songs out there. Found this on youtube and it's pretty great, wonder why they left it off the album?

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I thought it was strange you rated it a 3/5 because I always thought it was about as good as their debut.

it's the third album he really loves. i still haven't listened to anything past the first two i don't think, which is pretty dumb 'cause they're obviously gonna be my shit.
Yeah The Locust Years is my favourite too, but he gave their debut 4/5 stars hence my comment.

Well the debut is kind of its own animal, it has a very unique stylistic mix that doesn't really resemble what they do on their later albums. It's entirely possible I'm underrating TAE though. I just put on that album and I'm immediately put off by the opening instrumental that seems so meandering and jammy. I think from The Locust Years and onwards they became masters of crafting proggy instrumental sections that feel purposeful and evocative, but on TAE they hadn't quite figured that out.
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Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the opener either, and following it with a pretty aimless mellow track was a bad move, but beyond that it's fucking fire.