songs inspired by LOTR


New Metal Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Don't know if this topic has been done before, but I was listening to "Eleven Path" by Nightwish yesterday, and was wondering how many songs have been written based on Lord of the Rings and Tolkien. That would be one heck of a compilation that I would like to have.
So if you all could help me out and list the songs you can think of. I know there are some Pink Floyd songs, and obviously there are the soundtracks to the movies...
Elvenpath is the only one i can think of to be honest, but there probably are more out there. Seeing as there's so many bands that have fantasy lyrics it wouldn't supprise me if some were inspired by some of the greatest books ever written!
ænimated said:
Led Zeppelin obviously had alot of their track titles and songs inspired by LOTR...
definetly Zep. Summoning. Shit too many bands to name. Alot of bands take their names from LOTR but from that the similarities stop, i.e. gorgoroth , amon amarth
...damn near half of all of Blind Guardian's material is rooted in the stories of Tolkien. Their concept album The Silmarillion was entirely based on the book of that name.

I've seen and heard many 'folk music' albums that were basically made as music you'd hear while drinking in the Green Dragon Inn or the Prancing Pony Inn.


Gotta go dig those up again....
The group BAttle Lore. Also 3 Inches of Blood's album cover is so Tolkein inspired. Also their song Destroy the ORcs. AMon AMarth or translated Mountian of Doom which is in LOTR.
Edgecrusher said:
I thought that was Ephel Duath

MMM Im not sure now, but I read somewhere thats what it meant. I also couldve swore I saw it on the AMON AMARTH site. ALso in Lord of The RIngs many of the characters have multiple names .
Ephel Duath is a bunch of his near to where Frodo and Sam meet the big spider. In the film it thast place at the very end of the second film.
Amon Amarth is Mt doom only under a different name. It has lots of names in the books.
Bryan316 said:
I've seen and heard many 'folk music' albums that were basically made as music you'd hear while drinking in the Green Dragon Inn or the Prancing Pony Inn.
Gotta go dig those up again....

The genre is called "filk". And here you can find nearly all the Tolkien-based filk there is.